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Kaycee's POV

Clark had finally let everyone have at least one sit-in surgery, Ashton and Calum's was today and the last for our group. They were getting ready for their first surgery ever and I was more than happy for them. I hugged them one last time as they walked to scrub in wishing them luck before they waved goodbye to wash up. 

" Good luck" I sang to them before making my way down the hallway to the gallery. 

" Hey guys," I said sitting next to Micheal and Luke 

" How was everyone's day?" I asked making conversation 

" Good I met the cardio chief today and he assigned me a case" Luke smiled. He had said from the start that he had wanted to go into cardio so this was big for him.

" What! no way luke that's so cool what case?"

"An older man with Coronary heart disease he's gonna need surgery in a few months so I'm hoping chief will let me do it"

" That would be amazing" Micheal chimed in

" My day was really exciting a lady in the ER screamed at me in what I think was German?" he said unsure making me laugh 

We sat watching the surgeons work below while doing charting or studying. I borrowed a textbook from Clark on the brain tumor Bailey had I wanted to learn more about it to help treat her. It was over four hundred pages and I already managed to get through almost all of it last night, I wanted to finish considering I ordered three more on amazon a few days ago that I wanted to start today. I looked up every so often watching Ashton he smiled back at me through the mask-making me smirk.

" Have any of you talk to Clark recently like a full conversation?" Micheal asked

" Now that I think of it no she just sends us elsewhere which is kinda odd," I said the realization hitting me

" yeah that is weird not that I'm complaining," Luke said as we agreed

I hoped the surgery would be over soon I hadn't slept well last night the neighbors above me fought loudly through the night, so I read my book the whole night. I tried to focus on the book to keep me awake reading the pages fighting the urge to fall asleep. 

Ashton's POV
    During the surgery, my nerves were on high alert I mean I did have a right to be nervous it was my first surgery. I looked up and saw Kaycee talking to Luke and Micheal, she smiled and waved at me. Her smile immediately made me forget my nerves and I smiled back at her under my mask and focus. We started the surgery and I just did the basic stuff handing Clark equipment as she quizzed me and I surprised myself and managed to get most of the answers correct. Every so often I looked up to the gallant watching them talking or doing work. It wasn't long till the surgery was completed and we stitched up the patient so we could send them to recovery. I sighed feeling content with my accomplishments today and looked up to give an "I did it" smile to Kay but when I looked up there she was asleep her head leaning on the back wall a book in her hand making my heartache.

I don't think she slept last night she muttered something this morning about it. So I scrubbed out with Clark and Calum. 

" Good work Irwin and Hood get some rest," she said leaving the room. Wow that was new I think that was the first time she ever complimented me. I made wide eyes with Calum himself shocked as well. 

I washed my hands and discarded my gown, mask, shoe covers before making our way to the galley to meet the others. I walked in making Micheal put his finger over his mouth for us to be quiet. I looked down at her smiling 

" We should probably wake her up so we can go home" I laughed making them agree
I kneeled down to her taking the book off her lap and rubbing her shoulder making her groan and slowly open her eyes. 

" oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep I'm sorry" she apologized 

" It's all good I was about to sleep with you," Micheal joked 

I handed her the bookmaking her smile and we made our way into the locker room to grab our things for the night.

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