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Kaycee's POV 

   I woke up the next morning actually feeling well-rested. I changed into my scrubs and made my into the bathroom before luke. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before starting my makeup. I sat in the sink to put mascara on 

" You know what I'm not even gonna ask," luke said coming into the bathroom making me laugh 

"I've found out a lot of weird things about you in the past 24 hours"

"I'm not weird and you love me so" 

" Yeah, yeah" 

I finished my makeup and jumped down from the counter completely wiping out onto the floor making a loud sound. We both immediately bursted into laughs 

" What the hell" Ashton said walking in to see me on the floor both of us laughing without breathing 

" What was that noise" Micheal asked 

"Why are they laughing like that" Calum asked 

" I can't," I said holding my stomach from laughter 

" She-she fell off the counter," luke said struggling 

They all exchanged looks like we were crazy as I stood up from the floor. 

a few hours later 

    I walked into Bailey's room with Dr. Brown getting ready for her Chemo today 

" Good morning Bailey how are you feeling today?" I asked 

" Fine just a slight headache" 

" Alright I am going to set up your treatment and Dr. Evans will stay with you to monitor your progress" 

He set up her treatment and soon left the room leaving just us. We had really bonded over the last few weeks. 

" So how's living with all guys?" she asked 

" A lot of fun to be honest me and Ashton went to target the other day to get stuff so everything is basically done" 

" Of course you went with Ashton" she gushed 

" I told you nothing is going on with us " I sighed 

" It's obviously Kaycee he calls you Kay and you only let him do that, I see the way you look at him and the way he looks back. You laugh at all his jokes"

I shook my head brushing the idea away, but I didn't totally hate it. Ashton was such a kind, smart, compassionate and person. He put his worries away to help me and I would always do the same for him. 

" Anyways, how's your boyfriend?" I changed the subject 

" Good he visited yesterday and we had a picnic outside" 

" Oh my gosh that's so sweet" 

" I know right" 

We continued talking while her treatment was over a few hours later she insisted on continuing the conversation but I knew she needed to rest after everything. I managed to convince her to get some sleep and promised to wake her up later then took my break. I met the guys in our usual spot with my lunch a salad with some chips when I had a hard day I treated myself to a cookie but skipped today. 

" Challenge day in next month" luke reminded us 

" Oh god that's so soon" I realized 

" We are so gonna kick ass," Calum said high-fiving Micheal 

Challenge day was famous for the interns it was when the groups of residents battled against each other to solve a case with the most points. You got points under different categories like patient care, diagnosis, timing, hospitality, and treatment it was of course judged by other attendings. The winning group gets some big prize that they announce the day of, last year the prize was to have access to the attendings break room which was supposed be way nicer than ours. They usually gave us the mysterious ER cases that rolled in, that they had even yet to diagnose so they couldn't do the work for us. 

" We have a good chance at winning this thing it would give us an edge, everyone knows all the department heads watch," I said 

" Plus it's fun," Luke said 

" I  want whatever that prize is" Calum laughed 

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