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Kaycee's POV
I ran into her room the others following behind, they couldn't do much without the knowledge Neuro but they were there for support. She immediately looked pale, and very out of it. My adrenaline was pumping and I jumped into action.

" Bailey, it's me Kaycee can you open you eyes for me"

I took her vitals, and looked at her eyes getting minimal reactions.

" What pain medicine was she given?"

" Just a relaxer, the same one she always gets" the nurse replied

" Bailey, I need you to talk to me what hurts?"

She pointed to her head, to out of it to speak.

" Give me fingers 1-10, ten being the worst"

She held up a 10

I looked back to Ashton with a worried face he sent one back.

" sick" she said pulling her head up

The nurse brought her a bucket causing her to throw up. I rubbed her back telling her everything would be okay. It was most likely a side effect of the chemo or possibly the tumor but it still scared me.

" We need a CT and MRI scan stat" 

" I'll book it" the nurse said leaving me with just the guys and Bailey.

I moved Bailey back into her bed and covered her back up.

" We have to do a brain scan to make sure everything is okay Bail, you've done it a million times before it will be over less than an hour and you can sleep again"

I walked away from her bed and over to the boys, I noticed their faces as I walked towards them. I motioned for them to move into the hallway.

" Kay-"

I cut off Ashton

" She's gonna be fine, there's nothing wrong it's just a side effect" I spoke almost to myself pacing in the hallway

" It's not getting worse she's strong she's fighting it she's going to go into remission and go to France, maybe go on that date with Logan" I continued pacing

The guys just looked at me not knowing what to say. Calum pulled me into a hug as the others followed, it managed to calm me down after a few minutes.

" Thanks guys" I smiled at them

" I've got to go but i'll keep you updated" I said turning away.

Thankfully her scans went successfully and all we had to do was wait for the results. I sat with her in the room playing with her hair as Netflix played in the background. I read over her past charts trying to find any clues as to what it could be. Micheal came in knocking on the door frame.

" she doing any better?" he said walking into the room

" She hasn't gotten sick again other than that no changes" I said looking back at the paper

He put his hand on my back, everyone knew she was like a sister to me.

"She brought me through hard times and I hope I did the same."

" Trust me you did."

" Her moms on her way"

We sat in silence as the storm outside became louder

" it's really raining outside" I said standing to look out the window


Before Micheal could even speak back monitors went crazy and I turned to see Bailey seizing.

We immediately sprung into action as did Micheal trying to make sure she didn't hurt herself. We held her up as she shook. A Few nurses ran in giving her medicine to make her body become still. Micheal slowly laid her back down, as her vitals returned back to normal. The room slowly became calm as we stood their watching the screen.

" Thank you" Micheal looked at the nurses they nodded back and left the room

I stood there looking at her, Micheal must have paged Ashton because he walked into the room his eyes immediately on me. He stood behind me bringing me into a hug as the rain hit the roof loudly. He didn't speak I just needed his touch at the moment. Then it hit me

" I know what's wrong. We have to move fast."

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