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TW- blood 

Kaycee's POV

          The OR staff rushed around the hospital getting all the supplies I needed and bringing them through the door. It took longer than expected but I was now thankfully all suited up. Our anesthesiologist was now talking me through how to give anesthesia, thankfully she was already mostly sedated but we still needed her to be under just in case. 

" Okay, now insert the blue tube into her IV, and place the mask onto her face and she should be out." 

I followed his instructions exactly, doing everything as carefully as I could 

" Okay done" I exhaled 

Micheal took his place and began to speak 

" Kaycee, it's all you now" 

" Yup, I got this" 

I brought over my tray of tools and began working, I was usually used to someone helping me, or at least giving me the tools so being alone made It much harder. I was about an hour into it when I realized how hard it actually was. 

" Ash?" I called 

" Yeah?" 

" I really need some help here, can someone check on the repair status. I don't think I can do this by myself. " 

He got up and left as I continued on the best I could. 

She had a pretty bad bleed, one I was struggling to stop. 

" Kay? There close to moving it again" 

" good, this bleed is bad I don't think I can stop it without better tools." I sighed 

Just after I spoke the bleed became out of control going everywhere including me. I immediately placed pads to try and stop the blood but it didn't stop. They all watched through the crack 

" I need blood stat!" I yelled 

I looked around the room searching for more c, and possibly blood they would have given me. The only thing I found was a direct transfusion kit. Ashton saw me opening up the package and of course, tried to stop me. 

" Kay no, blood is coming we just sent the intern to get some" 

I didn't listen we both knew it wouldn't come in time. Micheal and Ashton along with the nurses told me to stop but her heart rate was declining and she needed it now. I punctured a vein on my arm doing the same to Bailey. I waited as the tube filled cleaning the blood and giving it to her. I sighed after a few minutes thankfully getting her heart rate back up I went back trying to clot the bleed. I managed to stop the bleed and now I just had to release the pressure build-up caused by the hemorrhage. 

2 hours later 

I was just finishing the procedure when everything seemed to be going wrong, I could tell I was getting dizzy and sick. I know I should cut off the transfusion after I was finished closing so I didn't pass out. 

" Her oxygen level is dropping" Micheal pointed out 

" shit," I said pressing a mask over her mouth watching the screen 

" You have to start a breathing tube" one of the doctors called out 

" I don't have anything," I said running around searching for any supplies 

" She's going into cardiac arrest!" 

The monitors went wild as I started to give her CPR 

" Come on Bailey"

" Please" 

" I can't lose you" I cried 

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