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Ashton's POV 

It's been 30 minutes since she started CPR. 

She was gone. 

We knew that. 

Kaycee knew that. 

" Kay, it's been thirty minutes. She's gone, you have to call it," I said tearing up myself 

She shook her head tears in her eyes " I need epi!" 

No one moved. 

" Hello! I've got a patent who's heart stopped! Someone give me epi!" 

" Kay, i'm sorry she's gone" Micheal added 

She stopped looking towards me, " Time of death 4:57." she said emotionless

" We need to get her out of there." I whispered to Micheal 

Staying in there would be beyond traumatic, not to mention the fact that she wasn't just any patient she was her best friend. She had lost two people she loved from the condition that put her into medicine in the first place, she was hurting. Micheal left to go find the guys as I stayed to calm her. 

" Kay" I said reaching down for her hand as she stared emotionless. 

She handed me her hand slowly, I saw the IV still attached making me turned back to the staff behind me. 

" Someone hand me a cotton ball and a bandaid please" I asked before putting on gloves. 

I knew she had lost too much blood, that she should have taken it out a while ago, but it wasn't the time to start a lecture. She had to be checked out after we got her out doing chest compressions that long can pull muscles. I took out the needle carefully and replaced it with a bandaid earning no reaction from Kaycee.  Micheal came back with the guy who pried the doors open, before Kay basically threw her body towards me as I lifted her to the ground. 

" You're okay, I got you," I said holding her to my chest as she broke down. I carried her away from the scene and into an empty ER bed, still holding onto her. She looked beyond tried, and I knew she was tried before the surgery as well. 

She let go of the hug a few minutes later, I kissed her cheek gently 

" Do you feel dizzy? Your face is a little pale. I think you gave her a bit too much blood." 

 She just shrugged too in shock to answer. 

I went and grabbed her some juice and a granola bar to hopefully stop her from passing out. When I had come back she had all the guys around her in a group hug. I watched them and smiled our friendship meant so much to all of us, this job was rough we watched people get sick, we see them in their at their worst support is what got us through the days. I handed her the juice and granola earning a sigh back. 

" I know your not hungry but at least drink please," I said kissing her forehead 

She nodded back, I worried that she wasn't speaking very much. My thoughts were broken up by the sound of her pager which she immediately looked at and got up from the bed. We all of course stopped her. 

" Where are you going?" I stood in front of her 

" One of Brown's patients needs my help," She said blankly 

" I don't think that's a good idea right now Kay" I said putting a hair behind her ear 

" I have to" she panicked 

" It's okay, the chief can take care of it" 

" No. I can't let another person die tonight" She cried 

" Ash, I was supposed to save her" 

Her voiced cracked making my heart break. 

" Look at me Kay, you did. Saving goes way beyond stopping someone from death, you saved her from being alone, scared, she always went to you no matter what and you gave her some unforgettable memories and friendship. Just because she died does not mean you did not save her. There is way more to a person's well-being than their physical heath and you know that. You might have not saved her physically but that doesn't mean you didn't in other ways." 

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