Chapter 50 : Is it Good-bye Forever?

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After handing over the keys, she walked past the lobby to the front. Aditya came in front of her out of nowhere. She stopped and looked at him. She can see that how much she affects him. His eyes were red and he looked so worse than before. Just then, Vinoth came to her side and asked, "Shall we go, our cab is waiting?" Zoya nodded and walk past him.

Aditya didn't utter a word or tried to stop her but he stood there and looked at her until she gets into the car and drove out from the hotel to the airport.

Around midnight, Zoya got into her apartment silently and went into her room. He was sleeping soundly, as she didn't want to wake him up or disturb him. She silently closed the door and went into the other room. She didn't change or even tried to change. She fell on to the bed face down and cried. She was so tired but the tears she has been holding since Prem told her about Aditya's past burst out and she couldn't stop them. She was unable to control herself; she somehow controlled herself throughout the flight. Vinoth was kept on asking her what happened at the hotel why did she want to leave early but all she could manage was "Nothing".

She felt like that she was no different from Pooja. She has walked out on him and she never tried to understand him or his love till now and most of all she has betrayed him. She wondered how he will react when he comes to know about him. How long she could hide him from Aditya, was the biggest question now?

The night passed and sun started to rise in the east, but Zoya didn't stop crying. One wrong move she made that day has spoiled Aditya's life even more. The Aditya's face flashes in her vision she has never seen him like that before in that one and half a years. A smile escaped without her knowledge while she remembered those days she spent with Aditya.

Though the sun has risen that day, finally she decided what she has to do. She woke up from the bed and wiped her face. She felt one thing that Aditya would be better off without her if she stays away from him. He needs a life and she can't give him that after what she has done to him. She felt that time will heal him and he will soon forget her and move on with someone who understand him and love him more than her.


Zoya went through the pain for next one week. She walk around the house like a Zombie and didn't eat properly too. Vikram was so helpful and understanding during these days. He took care of everything for her and helped her.

That day, as usual, she woke up late and get refreshed. She found breakfast and coffee in flask already kept at the kitchen table. She smiled and took the plate and poured the coffee in a cup before sitting on the couch.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door. She kept the plate and her coffee on the coffee table and stood up to open door while saying loud, "Coming". While hurrying to open the door, she toppled her coffee she cursed herself and opened the door. But without looking at who is at the door, she said, "Just come in, Vikram... I knocked down my coffee and I have to clean it..."

She ran to the kitchen and came back with the kitchen cloth to clean the coffee. While wiping out the coffee, she realized that the person was still at the door and didn't come in. Vikram never used to stand there or he would let her to do something alone.

So, she looked up to see who is actually standing at the door. She couldn't believe her eyes and she looked at the person so shocked and stopped cleaning. She hurried to the door and jumped right into his hand and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and asked, "How are you doing, Gundoos?"

Zoya break the hug and smiled at him, "I'm..." she almost wiped his face with the coffee stained cloth. "Oops... I'm sorry... Just give me a minute... You come in, Skeleton", she said while getting back to clean the coffee table.

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