Chapter 44: Death, Funeral and Heartbreaks

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After lunch, everyone sat together in living room and prepared the guest list. Aditya and Arjun was discussing about their guest list and Zoya was writing down on her journal that Harsh giving her.

Aditya's phone started to ring and he casually without noticing the caller ID answered the phone. "Hello, Aditya Hooda here", He said. After a pause he said, "Hold on... Just a second" and excused himself from the group.

Zoya was looking at him in confusion as he was talking over the phone, his face changed to grimace. She couldn't put her finger on what's bothering him. She excused herself and went near him. But, when reached him, he stopped talking abruptly and asked in irritated tone, "What?"

"Nothing... You look worried... What happened? Is everything alright?" She asked. "No... I'll tell you later... I just need to finish this call..." He said and without waiting for her respond he moved towards the other side.

After few minutes, he rushed back to the living room and said, "Paa... Maa in" He stopped when he looked at Zoya and corrected, "Paa... Sakshi Maa... passed away..."

Arjun and Harshawardhan said in unison, "What?" Zoya looked at all three clueless. As far as she knew that Sakshi Maa is important to Aditya and he cares for her. But she doesn't know how to react at that time.

"But Aditya, how...? And when?" Harsh asked. "Paa... You knew right... she was fighting her last stage cancer... This morning it got worse and the treatment failed... We have to go to Delhi for her last rites and cremation... I'll inform Prem Uncle..." Aditya said. "Arjun... you go and pack our dress for a week..." He added before calling Prem.

"Hello, Uncle... Sakshi Maa... Passed away this morning..." He said and after a pause he said, "I'm sorry, Uncle".

"Yes... Arjun and I are leaving now... We will see you in Delhi", Aditya said and disconnected the call. Harsh asked, "Aditya... You and Arjun... What about us?" gesturing to him and Zoya. "Umm... Paa... I don't think so... You and Zoya, please stay here... We will take care of the rest... Anyway, Prem Uncle is coming there..." Aditya said and ran to his room.

Zoya excused herself and followed him. In his room, he was packing his essentials in a rush. "Aditya... I'm really sorry for your loss..." Zoya said when she entered the room. But Aditya didn't give any damn about it, he was busy with the packing and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"Aditya..." Zoya called while tapping his shoulders. He wiped his face and looked up. "Aditya... What happened?" She asked. "Nothing... Sakshi Maa..." His voice broke and he started to cry. "Shush..." Zoya said and hugged him tightly.

Aditya cried till he felt light and then said, "I'm getting late... I have to go..." He broke the hug hastily and wiped the tears. Without another word he took the bag and walked out the room.

Zoya was not sure what happened and she looked at the empty space for sometime then she realized Aditya leaving for a week and she has to talk to him. She ran to the entrance door but he and Arjun was already left to the airport.

Zoya called him but he disconnected the call. After a minute, she received a message from Aditya, "I can't talk now. I'll call you once I reach Delhi". She replied, "Okay" as she has no other option.

That night she felt lonely and she don't know what to do. She was missing Aditya already so badly. So, she went to Aditya's room and looked around, she found the photo frame on the night table. Aditya placed that photo there when they came to Mumbai last time. The one they took at Juhu Beach, in that photo Aditya was smiling like kid after playing in the water.

She took the photo frame and lay down on the bed. Thinking about the days she spent with him and she dozed off.


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