Chapter 42: The Proposal

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Zoya was not happy she understood why Aditya avoided her since he returned. He didn't avoid her because he was angry or disinterested with her. He avoided her because he doesn't want her to know that he was not well and he knows that if she comes to know that he was not well instead taking rest she would be on his side taking care of him.

After they came back from the hospital, she had instructed Marcus to bring soup for Aditya. Zoya helped him to get into bed and covered him with duvet. She gave him soup and then medicines. She was angry with herself that morning Aditya was right in front of her. But not only she ignored him also she didn't listen to him. If she had seen him in the morning, she might have known about his health and would have taken him to the hospital before it gets severe.

"Zoya..." Aditya called her when he saw her face turning red in anger. Aditya sat up straight and she looked at him but didn't say anything. "I'm sorry Zoya. I shouldn't have avoided you yesterday... And for that how long you will be angry over me", he asked.

"Who said I was angry over you?" she asked. "Your face... it's turning red in anger", he said with frown. "Seriously, I was not angry over you", she said. "Then..." he asked in confusion. Zoya sighed and said, "I'm angry over myself". He looked at her in awe and asked, "What?"

"Yes... I'm angry over myself... You were there right in front of me this morning and I... I ignored you... If I had seen you then I would have taken you to the hospital earlier before it gets severe", she said with anger.

"I'm not dead yet", he said with a sarcastic smile. She hit him on his hand and "You and your comments", she said with a scowl. Aditya smiled. "I know... I know why you avoided me..." she said angrily. Aditya clicked his tongue and said, "So, you figured".

"Yea... I figured. I'm not that dumb Aditya", she said. "I don't know when it's about me then you have all the rights and you're all shock to become "Mahaan", she said roughly and quoted in the air while saying Mahaan.  

"And when it comes to you, you'll not let me to do anything for you", she added after a pause. "So, I have decided that until you get well from this viral fever, I'm not letting you go anywhere alone and I'm not leaving your side even for a single minute", she said firmly.

"Zoya", Aditya said. "Don't tell that you don't need me here... I'm not going to listen to you this time..." She said hastily. "Zoya... Wait... Listen..." Aditya said. "No... If you're going to tell me that that you can take care of yourself then I don't want to listen..." she said while closing her ears.

Aditya removed her hands from her ears and "Just I wanted to ask you that will you not leave my side even when I go to the bathroom and you'll be accompanying me in showers too?" he asked with a naughty smile. Zoya looked at him dumbfounded and open mouth. Aditya closed her mouth and said, "So... Now... you're planning to share showers with me".

"What? Aditya, No..." her face went full on red over blushing and she tried to move away and Aditya pulled her on his lap. Zoya tried to move but he tightened his grip and said, "Just for a second, please, I just missed you and missed this closeness... I missed being with you". She can feel his body heat. It has been so long that they embraced each other like this. But, his embrace after a long time felt heavenly.

After a second, Zoya pulled herself out from his grip and said, "Aditya... You're not well... Come on you have to take rest till you get better". Aditya lay down and she helped him and covered him with duvet. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


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