Chapter 32: AdiYa Moments

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This chapter contains some adult content. Please don't read if you guys are not in to it. I request the readers to be cautious before reading this chapter.


At the same moment, they heard a knock on the door and drift apart from each other. The door opened and Victor came inside. "Adi Baba, sir is calling you both for breakfast", he said. Aditya nodded and asked him to leave. He looked at Zoya embarrassed and Zoya looked away due to shyness.

Just then, Aditya noticed the photo frame on the side table. He went to the table and he removed the photo in a hurry. He dropped the photo in the draw below his wardrobe. He said, "I'll be right back" and with his clothes he went to the bathroom to change.

Zoya noticed him removing the photo from the side table but she didn't give any importance to that as she felt so content after a long time. She was thinking about their first official kiss happened just before few moments. Their first kiss was accident, Aditya was not in conscious, and he was drunk. But today, after their confession, it was their first official kiss as a couple.

Aditya interrupted her thoughts by tapping on her shoulder. She turned and her jaws literally fallen to the ground. Aditya was wearing same blue jacket white tee and black baggy pant. She never saw him in this attire.

Aditya waved his hands in front of her face to bring her back to her senses. He asked, "What happened?" Zoya shakes her head and said with a smile, "Nothing, I never expected you in this attire".

"Well... Say hello to the Old Adi... before 5 years this was my day to day style. But what I still wonder is these dress still fits me", he said with chuckle and Zoya giggled.

"Shall we?" he asked gesturing toward the door. Zoya nodded fastly like kid. Then, Aditya put his left hand around her shoulder and both went to the dinning table for the breakfast.

After the breakfast, Aditya informed Harsh that he wanted to take Zoya out. "Paa, we will be out the entire day and will be coming back home late. So, you don't have to wait for us for dinner", Aditya said.

Harsh smiled proudly and said, "Be careful and take care of my daughter well. I don't want to hear any complains from her".

Both Aditya and Zoya laughed and said bye to Harsh and Arjun before leaving. Driver stopped the car in front of house when they reached the front door. Aditya gestured him to give the keys while stepping out.

He opened the passenger door for Zoya to get in and he took the driver seat. He took the car out of the house, Zoya asked, "What's the plan?" Aditya looked at her and said, "I'm going to take you into my past". Zoya gave him a frozen look and didn't know what to reply.


Around lunch he stopped the car in front of Peshwari, ITC Maratha Hotel for lunch. He took her to his school then to his college, they met few teachers of Aditya and his classmates too. Then he took her to his favourite Bombay Street Food where he and his friend used to spend most of their time when they bunk their school and college.

Zoya enjoyed the time knowing Aditya deeper and his other side. During lunch he said, "I used to hang out here with my friends Aman & Poo..." he paused but gathered immediately and continued, "Pooja".

"Where are they now?" She asked casually forgetting about his link with Pooja in his past. For a second, she mentally slapped herself for asking that question. But Aditya replied slowly, "Aman went to US after that accident happened before 5 ½ years, when I was an alcoholic and Pooja... She... She... was the one... who died... in that... acc... Accident..." Zoya never saw Aditya in that state before; he never stammered or showed his weakness in front of anyone.

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