Chapter 47: Good bye ever after

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Arjun called everyone he knew and finally he called Riyaz and asked him whether Zoya contacted him. "No... She didn't... Why? What happened, Arjun?" He asked. "Zoya is missing... Everything was fine till last night but she left our house this morning... But don't know where she has gone?" Arjun said.

"She didn't know anyone there in Mumbai... Where she might have gone?" Riyaz asked. "Don't know... We all are worried for her..." Arjun said. After long  pause, Riyaz said, "If I know her better then she must have came back to Bangalore... I'll check at her house here..." Riyaz said. "Riyaz, she moved in with us months back... most of her belongings are at our place..." Arjun said.

Riyaz sighed and said, "Okay... I'll check at both places... I know her house owner number... I'll check about her with him too... I'll call you if I found anything on her..." Riyaz said and they disconnected the call.

Everyone came back around 11.30 pm tired. Arjun told them, "I checked with everyone... No one has heard from her... And..." Arjun hesitated. Prem looked at him in question. "Riyaz said... She might have gone back to Bangalore... He said he'll get back to us if he find her there or any information about her..." Arjun said. Prem nodded and said, "Aditya is still out there searching for her... We checked every possible place... But we couldn't find her... She could have gone to Bangalore, it's possible... Let's wait till morning... if we didn't get any information from anywhere... Then we have to go to police..."

Arjun nodded and sighed. Noor looked worried and on the verge of crying. Arjun embraced her and said, "Hey don't worry... We will find her... She must not have gone that far..." Noor hugged him and weep on his chest. "She could have told me at least... I'm her sister... Why did he leave without even informing me? What did I do?" she asked.

Aditya came back in the middle of the night with frowned face. "I searched everywhere I can think off but I couldn't find her... I don't know what did I do? Why did she leave me without telling me?" He thought to himself.

Aditya sat there the entire night as everyone gone to bed. Around morning everyone was getting ready to go to police station. Aditya went back to his room to get ready and then he notices the last draw was open. He looked into it and found the photos of him and Pooja and then he looked around and found the diary on the table.

He took the diary and he understood that Zoya has gone through it. He checked his last entry and then he noticed the folded letter on the table. He quickly took it and read it. He can see the tear marks over the letter as he reads it and his eyes welled up.


I'm Sorry. When you're reading this letter, I must have long gone from your life. You're my love and my life. I trusted you every time when you came back to me with a sorry and a promise that you won't hurt me again. Every time I forgave you when you said you will not repeat it again.

We both have lost someone we loved in the past and we found each other and I thought we healed each other. I trusted you and hoped that you too trust me. If you had loved me as much as I love you then you would have trusted me with your past. May be, you didn't love me to trust me enough.

You know I wouldn't have cared if you're married or divorced or widowed. All I expected from you was your love, trust and some honesty. For me, Love means trust and passion and you are lacking both. You never brought up your past till this date. If you truly loved me then you wouldn't have kept your past secret from me. Well that goes without saying...

Anyways, I can't marry someone who doesn't love me or trust me. Enough is enough, you have hurt me a lot and you have so many excuses to give me for hurting me. And I can't stand one more excuse from you for not telling me about your past.

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