Chapter 1: A Path laid by destiny

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Riyaz missed Zoya today, entire day he didn't talk with her. He wanted to spend quality time with his fiancé Zara, so he took her on a date. He can't wait to update Zoya what happened that day. Riyaz dialled Zoya's number; IVR voice said "the user is busy". Again he tried, IVR voice again said "the user is busy please try again later". He got angry and throws his phone on the bed. The moment phone hits his bed, it started ringing. He picked up and smiled, on seeing Zoya's name in the caller id.

He answered and said, "Hey Gundoos, I'm angry with you. With whom you're talking to madam? Always busy no time for me."

With same anger tone, Zoya replied, "Hey skeleton, actually I should be one to be angry on you. You're always busy. From morning, you didn't even call me for once and now when I call you, you're still busy on the phone".

Without letting Riyaz to talk, she continued, "on top of it you're complaining I'm busy on the phone"

Riyaz tried to interfere, "Zoya listen to me....", but Zoya didn't let him to talk

"You listen to me skeleton, I'll kill you if you talk in between, what are thinking, if you go on date with Zara. I would forgive you for not calling me and for forgetting my important day. Sorry I can't, I'm not going to talk with you. I HATE YOU and Good-Bye", Zoya disconnects the line.

He couldn't understand what just happened. After a few moments, he hit on his head and said to himself, "Shit! Riyaz, how could you forget this day? It's an important day for Zoya!! You idiot"!!

He picked his phone and dialled to Zoya again, Once Zoya answered his call, he swiftly said, "Gundoos, Sorry yaar, you know about me yaar, I'm an idiot. I totally forgot what is today? Actually, I called you to talk about the day. And when your number was busy I got carried away. Please forgive your idiot friend. Pretty please"

She angrily said, "No, I can't forgive you. How could you forget my important day? Even, Zara called me and wished me luck".

She added, "But, you forget to wish me, idiot. When I tried calling you, your number was busy..." before completing the sentence, both crack into laughter at once. They realised that they were trying to call other at the same time.

"So... (Laughs), we're calling each other by the way... (Laughs)" Zoya asked.

"Yeah... How stupid we are, Zoya? And we're fighting for being busy" he said by controlling his laughter.

She fiercely said, "No, we're not fighting for being busy. I'm still angry on you for not wishing me luck".

"Come on yaar, Zoya. Pretty please, thousand time's sorry yaar, I will not do that ever again"!! He begged her.

A few seconds, Zoya fall silent.

Riyaz break the silence by saying, "Gundoos, please!! Forgive me, Okay, tell me, what happened? How was your interview with DMG CA Firm went?"

After few seconds of silence, Zoya said, "Not Good, HR at DMG, said they won't recruit female candidates for their firm, strictly male candidates only. Then why did they even call me for an interview there?"

"I'm really sorry, Zoya"!! He said.

"See this is what happens when you don't wish your best friend luck on her important day"!! she teased.

"Hey, I said, sorry!! Don't tease me", he reply annoyed.

"Okay, sorry. Don't get mad". "So... How was your date with Zara? Is she happy?" Zoya asked.

"We both had good time, Zoya. She totally loved that place and lunch. By the way thanks for suggesting that place, Zoya", he replied joyous.

"I'm happy that you both loved that place and had enjoyed your day together. I'm so happy for you and Zara, Riyaz" she paused for a moment.

Riyaz instantly, "Hey, what's your next plan? What you got in mind? DMG didn't accept you. Are you going to continue in our office?" as he understood her pause moment.

Zoya came back to reality and replied, "Huh!! Yeah, till I get another opportunity in another good firm".

And she added, "But that HR at DMG said, my resume has the key requirements they look for and by mistake they didn't see the gender and called me for an interview today".

She paused and continued, "He also said, his boss has this strict condition is "No Female Candidates allowed". But he took my resume and said, will check with his boss if it's okay, they'll call me again for an interview. Still, I got no hopes".

Both talked for another 1 hour before retiring to the bed.


Next morning, on the way to office, Zoya received a call from unknown number.

Zoya answered and said, "Zoya Siddiqui speaking".

On the other end, "Ms. Zoya, I'm Arshad Khan, HR from DMG. I hope you remember me".

"Oh!! Yeah, tell me Mr. Khan, what this about?" She enquired.

"Well..." Arshad trailed but continued, " I spoke to my boss about your resume, he was impressed with it, but, when I said it's a female candidate, he straight away asked me to tell you to come & pick up the resume from office".

Zoya got furious and said, "I can't waste my time by coming there to pick my resume, thanks for calling, you can trash it by yourselves or shove it off in your boss face", then disconnect the call without another word.

Zoya's hand is trembling from anger and thinking, "How dare he can insult me like that? What is this with "No female candidates allowed?" She air quotes. What the hell he thinks of himself, A Prince? My foot"!!


Arshad didn't notice Prem, as he was furiously mumbling something. Prem stood in front of him for a minute before knocking on the desk.

Arshad shocked to see Prem standing there. "Sir, I'm really sorry didn't notice you!! Good Morning, Sir!! Aditya Sir is in his room!! Shall I inform him that you're here", rapidly.

Prem laughed and said, "No Arshad, it's Okay!! But can you tell me what's bothering you? Why are you so disturbed?"

Arshad took a deep breath, and then said, "Nothing, Sir. I came across a resume for our Deputy Manager post. It had all the key requirement, Aditya sir asked for. But I failed to notice the gender and name and called the candidate for an interview yesterday".

"My fate, it turned out to be a female candidate and you know about boss, he won't recruit any female candidate in our office".

Prem laughed when Arshad paused to take his breath.

He continued, "I had had from him yesterday for calling a female candidate for the interview and he asked me to call that candidate and asked to come & pick up the resume. Now, when I called her, she is scolding me for asking to come & pick up the resume".

Prem Laughed again and said, "Leave Arshad, things happens. You just keep the resume aside and continue with your work".

He interrupted, "But sir, that candidate has high potential. See for yourself, sir"!!

Prem took the resume from Arshad and scanned it.

After few minutes, Prem said, "Okay, let me see what I can do?" And without one more word walked towards Director's cabin.


A Path was laid by destiny for Zoya and Aditya to meet. Will they meet?? Whether Prem can convince Aditya to recruit Zoya? If Prem convinces Aditya, Will Zoya take up the interview after being insulted?

No women in Aditya's life and in his office!!! Will Aditya change his mind and recruit Zoya?

Hope you like this chapter!!!

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