Chapter 21: Let's Prepare You

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Zoya's extension rang; she noticed Aditya's number and answered with a smile. "Hey... Aditya..." she said. "Hey Zoya, please come to my cabin" he said in stone tone and disconnected the call.

She hurried to his cabin thinking "What on hell happened to him?" and prayed "God! please let this not be one more mood swing of Aditya". She entered after knocking on the door. "Hey" she said. "Hey... Hi... Come in..." Aditya called in and gestured her to sit. She took the sit opposite him and looked at him perplexed. "Hey sorry, I have one meeting during lunch, so today, it's not possible. Can we go to lunch tomorrow?" He asked. And she nodded with sigh and said, "Hmmm..." He then asked while signing some papers, "Actually, I called you to check with you about your finals. Finals is in 9 days, are you preparing for your finals?"

Again she nodded and said, "Hmmm..." Aditya looked up at her and waved his hand before her. She jerked back and said, "Huh..." "Zoya, what happened to you? Where is your focus? What world are you in?" He asked. "Sorry Aditya... I was thinking about..." she paused and added, "What did you ask me?" Aditya asked again, "I called you to check about your finals. Are you preparing for your finals?"

"No... Even Riyaz scold me yesterday for not concentrating on my finals. I don't know what to do, Aditya? With so many reports due in these 10 days and finals, I don't know, in which I should concentrate on. I'm so confused", she said with a frown. "Zoya, there is no confusion. You need to focus on your finals. I'll take care of the audit reports. Even you can take leave and focus on your exams. And you know your job will get permanent, only if, you pass your finals. Remember?" He said.

"Awww... What did you just say?" Zoya pretend to be angry. "Zoya... for me my friendship and my profession are different. I can't be liberal to my friend when it comes to my firm", he said. "I know... Aditya. But, I don't know where to start. I totally lost track and don't know how to prepare for the finals now", she held her head and resting her hand on the desk.

"Okay. I can help you with that" he said. "You can?" she questioned him excitedly. "Don't forget you are talking to a CA and Director of India's No.1 CA firm", he said proudly and she smiled.

"I'll help with you with my notes and points to be concentrated for your finals. All you need to spend some quality time with me... I mean... studying", he said. "Okay. I'm ready" she said immediately with excitement. He laughed and said, "Okay, I'll text you my house address. If you don't mind, we can start today itself with your preparation". "I don't mind, what time I need to be there?" she asked.

"Come by 6.00pm, we can spend 3-4 hours daily and during weekends we can spend some 6-8 hours. That will do", he said. Zoya smiled and said, "Okay Aditya, then I'll meet you in the evening. Thank you for your help. I'll take my leave now". He smiled and said, "No mention. Okay Zoya, I'll text you my address in a while. Call me if you couldn't find the address".

Zoya smiled and left his cabin with joy. She called Riyaz on her way to cabin, "Hey Riyaz, from today I'm going to start to prepare for my finals", she said. "Oh! Great, All the best Zoya. But how come you get this vision all of a sudden?" he said.

Then she slowly added, "Aditya is going to help me to prepare for the finals". Riyaz choked on his coffee and started to cough. "What? kidding me...? He asked between coughs. "He offered me to help and I accepted" she said. "Ummm... Okay... That's why this sudden vision... carry on... carry on... But please concentrate on your finals. After completing your finals, you can go back to concentrate on Aditya. Even, I'll help you in arranging some date for you", Riyaz teased her.

"When I see you, I'll smack you for this comment. Remember that.He is helping me because if I don't pass the finals then he had to fire me", she said half furious and half smiling. "Okay... Maa... Once again All the best, Gundoos, I have to go now, bye" he said and disconnected the call.

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