Chapter 34: Valentine Disaster

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At the conference room, Zoya went and stand in between Prem sir and Arjun. Arshad stood next to Arjun but he was still looking at Zoya through his peripheral view.

Aditya came to the room and took his place in the middle. "Good Morning, everyone", Aditya said and everyone wished him back.

"So, everyone how was your day, I know for many this day is wonderful day, Happy Valentine's Day to you all", he paused and everyone gave him horrific look. Even Zoya looked at him in horror; she thought he was going to tell everyone that they're dating each other. Arjun, who is smiling under his hand, he was expecting this when he get the circular today for the conference meeting.

"What? Isn't it Valentine's Day today? I guess, most of you, would have planned a beautiful evening with your respective valentine", he said with a smile. Every one smiled and some of them nodded.

"Okay, let's come to the point, just like I said this day is a wonderful day for everyone and same way this day is a wonderful day for me too", he paused as many of them was whispering with each other.

He cleared his throat and every one became silent. "Zoya, can you please come here?" he called. Zoya looked petrified but she went and stood near him. "So, guys you all know Zoya has been with us for almost a year and she has proved that she is "The Best" in her work. And I would like to take this opportunity to recognize her work here. I would like everyone here to put your hands together for Zoya" he said and started to applaud and everyone joined.

Everyone applauded for sometime and when they cease, Aditya continued, "Now, let's come to the point why we're gathered here", he said as he gestured Zoya to leave. She got back to the place where she was standing before. And he continued, "As many of you would have known that we are almost closing on signing the deal with the most successful and No.1 company in India. And I'm very happy to announce that deal will be closed today with GTI Ltd. We will be signing the documents today with them and most of all the contract is for the next 3 years. If we handle this client well then we may be their auditing firm for coming long years too. I hope that each and every one of you will support us on this new journey too."

Each and everyone applauded for the next few minutes. And when they stopped, "Thank you everyone for being here with us today and one more thing I would like to share with you all that Zoya will assisting me in this project and she'll be with me in all the meetings and the presentations" he said and gestured her to come near to him. Zoya smiled and went near him. Every one again applauded, this time the entire room echoed with the sound of applause.


Zoya and Aditya were on the way to the client's office to sign the deal. Aditya said, "Just as I said, today we will be together every minute and every second".

"Nope... Not every minute and every second", she said. "Actually we were not together for almost 20 minutes" she said after a pause looking at the roof like a child. Aditya laughed, "Okay, from now on we will together every minute and every second" he said while taking her hand in his.

They reached the client's office, Aditya introduced Zoya to the company's CFO and Finance heads. After a small meeting, both of them signed the deal and also signed the NDA too. On closing the deal successfully, they popped the champagne. After that small party, the CFO invited Aditya and Zoya to join for lunch.

"We would be happy to join you but, we have to get back to our office for another client's meeting. So, we're really sorry to decline your invite. But, I promise you, some other time we will join you for lunch" Aditya said.

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