Taylor Caniff??

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Hey guys! First off I wanna say how much I love you guys for 1.2K freakin reads you guys don't understand how much this means to me!!
Second I meet Taylor! He was the sweetest guy ever and his smile was the cutest thing ever. He kissed my cheek and I didn't even ask him to. He's so perfect!! The brown package he's holding has a few letters and a bandana I bought him. I also meet someone who actually has been reading my fanfic which was really cool!❤️
Third I'm so sorry I've been lacking in updating I've been really busy but that's not an excuse. I'm going to try to update either tomorrow or the next day.
Fourth can you guys do me a favor and retweet this so Taylor can see it https://twitter.com/kdilla324/status/564985587208572928 please do it.
I love you guys so much you mean the world to me and I want to meet more of you guys comment where you live!!

Go check out my friends fanfics
Bailey- amezzysmylife
Jillian- JhilianGraham4

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