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*Baileys POV*
I woke up to a text from Matt
"Get ready for today it's going to be special... Be ready by 2 babe. I love you and don't ask questions."
We've been dating for exactly 10 months and 3 weeks but it feels like we've been together for forever.
I decided to get up and take a shower and curl my hair. I put on a black and white elephant top with black legging and some white flats. Then I put on a bow and put some makeup on. Then I put the ring Matt go me on. It's a black and silver ring that has a heart in it, it's absolutely beautiful. Then I grabbed my black book bag that has silver studs and out my money, phone charger, makeup, and some personal stuff just in case, perfume. Bye the time I was done I checked the time and it was almost 2 so I ran downstairs.
"Why the hell are you so dressed up?" Jillian asked me
"Matts takin me out today!"
"I don't know it's a surprise." I said grinning.
"Ok have fun bitch." She said and ran up to her room. Then the doorbell rang I opened it to a really handsome Matt.
"Damn bae you looking good!" He said.
"Have you seen your sexy ass!" I exclaimed.
"Come on babe, we need to get going." He said. We headed toward the door.
I walked out and there was a limo waiting for us. What was he up to?
"MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA!! You didn't have to do this!" I said.
"But baby I love you! Tonight going to be great." He said
"Any night with you is great." I said smiling. He gave me a hug and kisses me on the forehead and we got in the limo. I decided not to ask question and just wait. We arrived at a really fancy restaurant I cant pronounce the name. But they served Italian. Matt and I ordered we orders spaghetti. We remade Lady and The Tramp with a spaghetti noodle! After that we went to the beach and watched the sunset. It was absolutely beautiful. He asked me if I wanted to go back to the house with Jillian or go to Helens. I decided to go to Helens. He dropped me off but he walked me to the door step and kissed me goodnight his kisses made me fell like he actually loved me, I got high of his kisses and I wish this could last forever. He told me he loved me. Damn this boy can't be more perfect.
"I love you Matt thanks for the perfect night!" I said. He went to the limo after that. I opened the door and went up to Helens room to tell her about my night. It was perfect. He texted me later that night and said
"Baby, tonight was amazing I love spending time with you. I have something really special coming up for all of us including Helen and the boys. Goodnight babygirl see you soon, sleep tight love you so much!"
I texted back
"I love you so much Matthew what's up with all these surprises! Sleep tight see you later goodnight!" With that I went to sleep.

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