Chapter 15:

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"Why do we even trust him? It's not impossible for him to trick us and make us infected by those zombies." Gray clicked her tongue and hissed in disgust at the amount of dirt that stuck onto her shoe.

"Oh shut up. You were the one that suggested for us to 'try, there's nothing to lose.' remember? Nothing to lose my ass." Rina argued, quoting the other's words before.

Astrid just laughed quietly at the two, knowing that Rina was right. They're currently in the middle of the woods, following the map Astrid had in her hands.

"-here's a thing you guys need to know." Donghyuck took a shaky breath and crouched down infront of Astrid. "We're headed to the woods, to our own treehouse. I overheard you saying that you'll go to South Korea and we're headed there too. We plan to leave this night, and we'll stay there for the day. We will leave at night tomorrow, so be quick. You guys can move at daytime, right? Is that okay? It isn't much safe but-"

"Woah, boy. You're telling us to follow you? We have kids!" Astrid gestures to Hayoon and Hwayoung. It's not easy to move swift when you have two toddlers in hand. It'll just make the risk more bigger.

Donghyuck rubbed his temples and sighed. "They don't know that I'm telling you this," he stared with panicked eyes. "And I know I'm not supposed to."

"Then why the hell are you telling me?" the girl scoffed.

"How can you get to Korea? You'll walk there? Please put your pride aside, I'm trying to help all of you." he pleaded, almost desperate as he knew that these girls are more vulnerable than them.

"I-" Astrid became quiet. She knew that he was right, but she's scared to go outside and show her human body to the world. It's like walking out butt bare, fragile and weak.

"I'm still giving you a chance. Here's a map to get there, please stay safe." he handed her a piece of crumpled paper and walked away.

Astrid looked at Gray who was just staring at her. "I don't know," she mumbled. "I'm scared."

Rina sat beside her and held her softly. "We're right here, you can count on us. You can consider his offer, we'll be fine. And we're not going without you." she caressed Astrid's hands.

She looked at her hands. It should be swinging as she walked but Hwayoung held onto her tightly, afraid of what may come. She pitied the child. At such young age, she's exposed to killings and horrid creatures, yet she still had hope in her somewhere. There's still a child in her, and we don't know when's that gonna be taken away.

"Hi, trid. You okay?" Hwayoung tilted her head slightly as noticed her staring.

"I'm good! Are you okay?" Astrid faked a smile.

The kid hesitated before responding, "I'm kinda tired and hungry, but that's okay." she looked away from Astrid and continued to observe the beautiful trees surrounding them.

The older stopped and pulled put a biscuit from her pocket. She opened it, giving the snack to Hwayoung. "Here," she dusted her hands as the other took it.

"You're the best!" Hwayoung cheered loudly.

Astrid covered the girl's mouth in an attempt to hush her. They're lucky that nothing was really showing up to harm them, but it won't hurt to be more careful.

They finally arrived at the area where the small cottage or cabin or treehouse, whatever, is supposed to be. Indeed, it was there, but was guarded by zombies.

"The fuck? They expect us to come there knocking and commit suicide or something?" Gray said in a hushed tone, craddling Hayoon in her arms while he let out a small whimper.

"Mind your language. There are kids here," Rina 'tsked' and huffed, the bags on her shoulder weighing her down. "And besides, they don't know we'll come here except for Donghyuck." she finished.

The youngest of the three looked away from the bickering duo and thought of what to do. She had no choice but to make her brain work, which is a complete bummer, it's supposed to be summer, with no thinking, but she guessed it was inevitable.

"Hwayoung, baby," she kneeled down to the girl's level. "Can you run fast?" she asked, completely out of context, but the girl didn't mind.

"Yeah. I run really fast, and I'm pretty light too so.." Hwayoung spoke out, showing her teeth. She did get a hold of what was happening around her but she didn't know how to help. All she wanted was to make things easier for them as she knew that she and Hayoon were slowing them down.

"Good," Astrid smiled tightly, bringing out her phone and setting her favorite song on play, while she put her volume on mute. "When I say run, we run to the cabin, okay?" she held Hwayoung's arms tightly.

The girl nodded, clasping her hands over Astrid's as well. She set her posture for running, which surprised Astrid. She looked serious. Hwayoung looked up at Gray and Rina, who were still talking, more like fighting, and then to Astrid.

Astrid then put her volume to max, to her surprise, Rina and Gray stopped talking and actually stayed silent as they were confused.


That was all it took for them to sprint towards the house as they ignored the zombies running towards them. It was obvious that they've heard the song and they sensed the girls' actions.

"Shit," Rina cursed, begging for her feet to keep up. She doesn't have a good stamina, and it was the biggest enemy for these things.

Astrid grinned as she saw them getting closer to the door. She looked down at Hwayoung who is running as fast as she can, and she is indeed fast. She kept up with them.

Gray breathed heavily as she still carried Hayoon in her arms. I am going to have big and chunky arms after this.

Astrid and Hwayoung reached the door first, they knocked— okay, maybe banged is a much better word to describe it. They banged on the door in urgency, as they felt the zombies get closer.

My phone was wasted for this. Better open up or I'm going to eat you first when I become one. Astrid gritted her teeth. She hoped that they would really open the door, or else they just let themselves be fooled and get eaten by these walkers.

Then the door opened.

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