Chapter 28:

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Maybe the universe decided that they've suffered enough. They made it without any problems to the supposed airport.

Donghyuck didn't feel tired at all, he almost felt a little more recharged, appreciating all the speed he could possibly feel during his drive. Though it sounded strange and the situation may be too good to be true, he wanted to take all the given opportunity to them.

He stopped the engine and rolled down his window slowly, sensing if there's someone or something that can bring danger and harm to them. Once he felt like they were safe, he opened the car door and this led the others to follow his actions.

Astrid felt the car tumble a bit so she took this as a sign that they need to go down now and find another transportation. She cradled Hayoon in her arms, careful not to wake him up. She assumed that he experienced an immense amount of stress before and he just wanted to take it all in.

Jisung stayed close with the two, worried that something can suddenly pop up and hurt them.

"Are we looking for the planes now?" Jeno ran up to Mark's side, attempting to recall the plan. "You know, I'm not really familiar with this airport." he looked around carefully, gripping his wooden weapon resting on his shoulder.

Mark nodded his head and said, "We need to find one as fast as possible. We might get trapped again or runners can find us," he rolled his shoulders back and temporarily closed his eyes. "I don't even know how we'll fly. Let's just hope that the pilots aren't infected."

Stress is taking toll on him. He can feel his frustration rising up slowly and he doesn't know if he can stop himself from exploding.

Jeno saw his state and he didn't know how to help. Mark decided to take the roll of planning and he's just stuck being a human carrier, not that he's complaining, he's more than glad that he can help lighten the group's individual duties but he really doesn't know how to help Mark.

He's scared to take that big of a burden. He can lead others to danger without knowing and he's always taking the risk. He can never do that.


A voice cut off Jeno's thought. Curious, he looked up and looked where the others were glancing at. A plane was located not so near them, but they can still reach the distance.

It's quite small for an average-sized plane. He assumed it was a custom of some sort. Honestly, he was just glad that they found one quickly. It was odd that suddenly, they were almost being served and given what they need. Jeno soon forgot about the thought when the others started running to the plane.

"Why are you running?" he grumbled, tired of working his legs, though he didn't hesitate to follow their gestures quickly. He sucked up air through his mouth once he felt like his thighs will just snap in half and crumple.

They arrived close to the aircraft with all of them panting, but they didn't stop exploring. Mark suggested that this was almost ready to take off since the stairs were still there.

He led the group inside, cautious. He immediately went to the possible pilots to the flight deck. He peeked inside, frowning once he saw no one in the cockpit. "Then how are we gonna fly this? Oh my god, man." he ruffled his hair.

The others were doing safety checks, roaming around the cabin, making sure that no infected people entered. The stairs is still settled grazing the ground.

When Mark went back, Donghyuck noticed how hopeless he is. He walked to the boy and asked, "What's wrong? I thought you went to the pilots?"

"If there are any pilots around." Mark said rather harshly and he briefly rolled his eyes.

Donghyuck didn't understand at first, but once he repeated Mark's sentence under his breath, he flicked his gaze to the older boy and almost huffed in disbelief. "What? Seriously?" he pushed past Mark and repeated his actions earlier. "He's not lying." he cocked his neck to the side and slowly walked back to him.

"What now?" he tongued the inside of his cheek. "How are we going to go to South Korea?" Donghyuck seemed hopeless, he harshly sat himself to a random seat.

Mark shrugged, "I don't know. I might be able to formulate another-"

"We've got enough of your plans, Mark. For fuck's sake, don't tire yourself. I'm sick of seeing you sacrifice your own rest, your own safety, yourself, just for us! I'm telling you," Donghyuck stomped his feet, projecting a child having a tantrum, but he didn't know how to show how frustrated he is, how mad he was. "Just don't do it." he sighed.

The rest of the group heard his outburst and the cabin suddenly became quiet.

Mark had his eyes wide and somehow, his words just hit his heart deep. "I just.." he bit his lip not knowing what to say to defend his actions. His eyes were slowly tearing up and a lump on his throat started to form. "I wanted to be the one you're able to rely on," he whispered, his voice barely even heard.

His hands were shaking. No one had ever told him that they're tired of seeing him sacrifice something. He didn't know that someone really values him. He was trying to prove that he was worthy, but the fact that Donghyuck already thinks of him like that made his heart wrench a little.

"I'm sorry." was all he can say. He felt a tear run through his cheek. He sniffed and quickly wiped his eyes dry.

Donghyuck blinked, he didn't want to make him cry but he just let him be. He wanted Mark to release emotions and not just bottle it up.

Though the group was aware of the situation, they pretended to continue the checking, not wanting the two to be uncomfortable. Some roamed around the cabin, looking around the restrooms, the seats and the others were consulting themselves if they're safe and not infected.

Astrid noticed that the duo was silent for a while now so she gathered the courage to ask, "Uhm, when will we be ready to take off?" she smiled awkwardly.

Donghyuck seemed to snap himself back to reality. He looked at Astrid, back to Mark, then at Astrid again. "There's no pilot in te plane." he announced.

A loud chatter started to ensue. A few mumbles of 'what' and 'why' echoed in the area.

Astrid seemed confused but she didn't dare to ask any further. "Okay then," she turned her head to the side and looked at Jisung. He mouthed something but she didn't quite understand, acknowledging the distance between them. "I'll just continue to.." she pointed her thumb behind her back. She saw Donghyuck nod and she quickly rushed to the tall boy.

"What did you say?" she lifted her head to meet his gaze.

"Donghyuck's dad," Jisung smiled. He heard that there are no pilots but an idea came into his mind. "You know?"

"Know what?" Astrid frowned, confused. "What's with Donghyuck's dad?" she scratched her head and turned to look at the said boy.

"He's a pilot."

The sentence made Astrid snap her neck towards Jisung. If it was fast enough, it would've cracked her neck to death. "What's the connection? Why are you saying this to me? Is he here then?" she rambled.

Jisung chuckled, noticing the habit that the girl has. He noted that she tends to rant a lot or overshare her thoughts raw when nervous. "The point is,"

"I think Donghyuck can fly the plane."

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