Chapter 31:

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Suffocating smoke rose up to the sky, the dark saturated color blocking the hue of the sea along with the clouds. Disintegrated parts of the plane was scattered in the main road of the city, alarming the government as they saw the incoming plane come crashing into their territory.

A soldier in charge of the specific area dashed to the wrecked transportation in panic, trying to see the people riding it. He lifted up a heavy part of the metal door, helping the person trapped underneath it. He scanned the area, unable to decide who to help first. In the middle of his panic, he saw a weapon lying on the asphalt road. He halted on his steps, muttering something underneath his breath before storming out of the area and heading to people for help.

"Shit." Jisung cussed loudly, pulling his leg out of the heavy door. He winced once he felt the sharp corner slide on his thigh. Great! I'm now wounded. He stood up, looking around to find his friends.

The parts of the plane was obviously wrecked, splitting the group widely apart.

"How did I even survive? What the fuck?" he limped to the cockpit, he assumed. He kicked the broken door open, quickly regretting his decision once he realized that it was his injured leg. Though the pain was soon replaced by panic as he saw Astrid and Donghyuck sprawled all over the floor, blood everywhere.

"Aren't we just attracting walkers by now?"

He snapped his head to the voice. His view was first filled with Jaemin, a few scratches on his face and body but no major wounds. "You're alive! Thank god!" he ran to him, engulfing the elder in a tight hug.

"Jisung, I appreciate you showing affection but they're literally bleeding out." he pushed Jisung away and went to the duo, lifting Astrid up, careful not to touch the tender area on her head.

Jisung sighed and followed him, trying his best to pull Donghyuck as gently as possible. He wasn't really succeeding but he had no other choice.

"Where are the kids?" Jaemin asked Jisung, touching his head to only realize that he's bleeding too. "Ow," he wiped his hands to his shirt. "I'm also bleeding."

"I don't know! I thought you were holding Hayoon, and Hwayoung- I thought Rina was holding her... And also, I don't know if I was hallucinating but a man helped me earlier. He ran away though. It's like he saw a ghost while staring at the floor." Jisung slumped on the broken road.

At the same time, Jaemin heard Rina grunt, almost as a struggle. He turned to find the voice but he already saw her walking to them with the kids.

Jisung raised his brows, "Oh, there's the kids." he sighed, feeling his wound throb a bit.

Rina immediately handed Hayoon to Jaemin once she saw Astrid laying on the floor, lifeless. She scanned her body, pitying her condition once she realized that the plane must've landed diagonally since Donghyuck and Astrid held the impact. She looked at Jisung, almost asking for help but she knew that he wouldn't do any better. She actually hates the sight of blood but she wanted to help Astrid.

Jisung counted, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Where's the other five. We're eight big humans." he pointed around.

Jaemin shrugged, not showing that he was very worried for his friends.

"Shit, does that mean I'm the one who needs to find them?" Jisung groaned in distaste but he stood up anyway, not waiting for any response. He disregarded his stinging wound, convincing himself that his friends were more important than his situation right now. Somehow, he didn't think about them not surviving. All he remembered before crashing was Astrid running to the flight deck, screaming muffled words followed by free falling.

He almost thought that the landing was too soft for a crash but the damage didn't agree with his supposed theory.

He walked on crumbled cement, familiarizing his surroundings. "Wait," he halted on his steps. "We don't even know where we are. Whatever." he continued searching, seemingly unbothered. He found Renjun passed out behind a part of the wing, bleeding on his forehead.

Jisung tried shaking him awake, but his eyes won't open. He was breathing, yes, but he wasn't responding. Jisung used all his strength to lift Renjun up, his muscles tensing for a moment. He ran to where the others were, placing Renjun on the rough ground.

He noticed a cut deep in his dark eyebrows, releasing dark crimson liquid. He was pretty sure that it'll scar. He didn't have any tools to clean Renjun up, nor himself, nor anybody around him. He still needed to find the four of them.

Jeno then came up, quite sudden, while holding an unconscious Mark. They both seemed pretty hurt with a lot of scratches and open wounds. He almost tripped on his own feet, vertigo taking an effect on him, but he somehow managed placing Mark to the ground safely.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice was unusually hoarse.

Jisung turned to look at Jeno before saying, "Crash happened."

The elder just sighed, steadying himself and not wanting to collapse since they have more important things to take care of. He let out a slow breath again, looking around the area. "Are they still breathing-"


"What?" Jeno breathed out. He furrowed his brows, looking around at the sudden call of name from Jisung. "Where?"

Jisung was suddenly in panic after realizing that he hadn't spotted Chenle, his best friend, yet. He yelled his name hoping that the other guy will respond but he got nothing other than deafening silence. "No, no, no, no.." he mumbled, desperately searching for any signs of Chenle. "Chenle!" he called, not caring if there's even any zombies anymore.

"You're being so loud, Ji."

Hearing a familiar voice, the supposed guy turned around and saw the devil himself, "Chenle!" he exclaimed, running to the guy. He saw him sitting down, resting his head behind, on a spare metal part. "How long have you been there!?" his excitement was replaced with mild irritation.

"Since Jeno showed up." he replied shortly.

"What now? Half of our friends are barely living," Rina crossed her arms, sure she was stating a fact. "Didn't you say you were helped by someone earlier?" she pointed to Jisung.

The boy nodded and added, "But he ran away, I also told you, yeah?" he had the urge to roll his eyes at the unknown dude he encountered. What is it that he saw? He asked himself. He began trying to remember where the soldier stood. He walked to where he thought he was before scanning the ground from his own perspective.

"Oh," was all that left his lips.

"What do you mean 'oh'?" Chenle stared at him weirdly. He waited for him to answer but all he got was Jisung kneeling on the ground and reaching for something.

Jaemin audibly gasped. "Is that?" he pointed at what Jisung was holding.


A sound of siren echoed in area, following his words.

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