Chapter 39:

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Jeno thought the boy was too familiar to be ignored so he intended to follow him, only to be stopped by Rina. "Where are you going?" she murmured. Jeno stopped his plan and decided that maybe he was hallucinating, and proceeded to continue resting.

On the other side of the door was a nurse, sighing as she stopped pushing an empty wheelchair, leaving it at the side of the hospital hallway. She took a look around, almost as if being cautious, and walked slowly towards what seems to be a bathroom. She fastened her pace as she got closer, quickly locking the door after she got in.

She looked at herself in the mirror, tilting her bead to the side, letting the visual melt on her. The nurse uniform faded, her smooth skin wrinkled, her black hair turned into grey.

Her head spun for a while as she held the bathroom counter for support. "I think I've used enough of my abilities today. I might collapse if I did more." she whispered to herself. She glanced at the mirror one more time, locking eyes with her pitiful self. "They'll trust you one day. For now, you have to make them trust you and that day will come." she groaned, steadying herself as her vision spun.

The lady transformed herself one more time to the nurse and walked out of the bathroom. She bumped into other people a couple of times and that didn't help her headache. As soon as she stepped out of the hospital, her appearance turned to her normal self and she headed to a person she needs the most.

Her strides were slow but desperate, not wanting to pass out in the middle of the sidewalk of the city. She soon stopped in a familiar hotel, lifting her foot go step inside.

After talking to the receptionist and convincing her to let her see her, she finally got into the elevator and into the designated floor.

She found the supposed door pretty quickly, she then knocked on the wood gently, hoping to get the reaction she wants from the person.

The door swiftly opened, revealing a very surprised woman.




"Mom." Astrid uncomfortably mumbled under her breath. Her face was sweating and her eyes was closed. The corners were crinkled and tears stained her cheeks. "Mom!" she shot up, breathing heavily, realizing that she was just dreaming. She looked around the room and remembered that she's in the hospital with Jisung who's unfortunately not with her.

She silently propped herself to the pillows, being careful as she just got several stitches in her body. She recalled her dream.

Her mom cried out loud. She touched her throat, shaking her head, resisting the urge to devour human flesh. "I'm sorry. I tried to find her, I- I really did but I can't. She's here. I know she is but I don't know where and-" she sniffed, pointing her skaky hands on the right. "I can sense her still, please." she wailed wretchedly.

"Shhh." her dad wiped her tears away. "We'll be fine. She'll be fine." he bit his lip to stop his sobs. "You know I love you, right?" he kissed her mom's cheeks softly. "Lia, you know that right? Even though I hurt you so many times, you know I love you right? You know that I'll do anything for you-"

"I know. I know, Yuno." The woman rested her head in her husband's shoulder. "We need to find Astrid. Please, you gotta go and find your daughter. I can't do it now, do I?"

"Bite me." he stared at her.

"What?" she met his eyes. Lia looked at his wrists, instantly salivating at the sight. She bared her teeth but her conscience stopped her from doing so. "I'm not doing it. Go before I hurt you!" she pushed him away, barely moving his body.

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