Part 7 : i'm not done thanking you

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Stella didn't understand Kelly's way of being. It was approximately one in the morning, and he was putting her out. They had an amazing time and now this.

"What?" She said confused.

"You heard me, get out"

"Kelly i-"

But he cut her off "you nothing, just act as if this didn't happen."

"But it did" she said as she started gathering her things.

"It was a mistake, this doesn't erase that you took my daughter away from me"

"This is what i wanted to tell you about, i didn't do this. I would never, please let me explain" she kind of begged.

"No, now get out" he said fed up yet trying to avoid eye contact with her.

And so when she saw the way he was acting, she regretted looking so desperate. She hated that she begged him.

"You know what, forget it. Forget i even came here, you're an asshole"

She finished dressing up, and then left and slammed the door behind her. But the truth is, they were both hurt. Kelly had so much feelings towards Stella, and just their moment together. The amazing sex they had was more than casual sex, it was deeper with a connection. It's like they knew how to satisfy one another. And just like that he knew Stella was the one for him, but her being the same woman that had stabbed him in the back. He just couldn't bring himself to ever forgive her.

They were both hurt. Kelly because he knew deep down that Stella was the one, but she was also the one that hurt him the most. And Stella was hurt because he threw her out like she was not even human. The best moments she had turned into the worst, in his arms she felt safe and loved. And she knew that whatever she was feeling towards Kelly was turning into love. And to see him with Sky well that feeling was unexplainable.

She took her car and went back to Mills. At this point Sky was probably asleep, so she got in and gave her little one a kiss on the forehead. She needed to solution things as soon as possible, but she didn't know if she would herself be able to forgive Kelly. In her mind he had used her like a sex prop, maybe to get back to her. Mills was still awake and was definitely waiting to hear why Stella took so long to come back.

"So" he said intrigued.

And so Stella snuggled against Mills "i don't want to talk about it right now"

So Mills didn't force anything on Stella. And in no time she fell asleep on him, so he lifted her up and took her to sleep in the guest room next so Sky.
The next morning Stella woke up before Mills and just a bit before Sky. And she started to make some breakfast, she knew Sky loved pancakes so she made some with faces. And when Mills woke up, she had something done for him too.

"Wow thank you"

She smiled "no thank you, I promise to take as less space as possible and to find a place quick enough"

"You're my girl, you stay here forever if you want" he said while he held her hand.

"You're the best".

Sky meanwhile was eating her pancakes peacefully while singing a little song.

"Can uncle Mills sing along with you" he asked the little one.

"Of course uncle"

And so they started singing together, it was too cute of a scene for Stella. She loved every bit of it. But she got thoughtful, she still didn't know how to manage now having a daughter. She had to learn about it, and to think her dad was the one who had taken her away. She still couldn't believe it, after supervising Sky's bath she allowed her to watch a bit of tv. She needed to talk to Mills.

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