Part 16 : Aila

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Mills and Michael were worried enough as it was, and Melina even more not knowing what was happening or where was her daughter.
Stella was scared, even more scared now that she had a lifeless little body in her hands. But she knew what to do, her mind was racing but she looked as calm and as collected as she could while trying to help her daughter. She performed cpr on her while also breathing into her mouth and in no time, the little girl gained back her colors and little after her and Kelly heard a big cry.

"Oh my god" and she then just burst in tears.

"You did it baby, you did it"

Stella whole body hurted, she was feeling weak. She held onto her daughter, and cried. She needed to relieve some of this pain, but even crying was taking a lot of strength out of her. She felt her body giving up more and more, and she started bleeding again.

"Stella, you're bleeding again baby" but he was just seeing her getting weaker by the minute "stella"

He held onto his daughter while he tried to maintain her awake. But it was hard.

Michael arrived with the police at the house, and at the same time there was Rafael coming back. And just by seeing him, they knew they were at the right place. They felt a relief, Rafael was immediately arrested while they needed to enter and search the house. They busted down doors, and we're finally heading for the basement and as Kelly saw them he instantly felt like everything was over with.

"We are here" he shouted.

They quickly got down, and allowed Mills and Michael down here.

"Oh my god" Mills said shocked.

Stella was on the floor, unconscious but the chain wasn't allowing Kelly to go further than where he already was. Mills got to Stella, and checked her pulse.

"What?" Michael asked as he saw the worry on Mills face

"She's not breathing"

"The ambo is on it's way" Michael said worried "here, give me the baby".

Kelly handed his little girl to Stella's dad who carried her carefully out of that horrible place. The police officers quickly took the chain off of both Stella and Kelly's ankles. They needed to transport Stella as soon as possible to the hospital, Mills was still performing cpr on her, trying to get her pulse back.

"Come on Mills, please save her"

"I'm trying Kelly"

And as concentrated as he was, he didn't even notice he had broken one of Stella's rib. The paramedics came after what seemed like forever, and as weak as Severide also was he tried to get up but had to be carried out. And just when they put Stella on the gurney, Mills had been able to get her heart to start again.
They arrived at the hospital, but as they got Stella in the trauma room. Her heart stopped again, Mills was worried watching from outside of the room. He just wanted to be in there and help, and he couldn't help but cry. Stella was more than a bestfriend, and all he wanted was for her to enjoy a beautiful pregnancy. This wasn't what he wanted for her, so he stayed there paralyzed watching from a far not being able to help his best friend.

"How is she?" Mills asked Rhodes as he came out after working for some time on Stella.

"We were able to get her heart to start again, we also were able to make the bleeding stop but she is still bleeding internally from somewhere. We will have to give her some blood so that she can recover faster but right now  we need to perform surgery, but first i will need permission from a family member" he explained.

"Her dad is somewhere in the hospital with the baby, i'll find him"

Mills went to look for Michael, and as expected he found him in the hospital nursery.

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