Part 12 : it's a girl

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Stella loved that he decided to impose, so he grabbed her jacket. Kelly quickly went to grab his keys in his quarters. And they were heading for Kelly's car.

"Hey Cruz!"

"Lieutenant!" He said as he got to him.

And even if he didn't mean to see it, he did see Stella's belly.

"Please tell Chief i had to make a quick run to med, with Stella."

"You got it lieutenant".

He opened the door for her and she hoped in the car.

"Why didn't you want to tell me" he said a bit saddened.

"I don't know because i thought it was nothing serious" she said feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"You can't possibly hide things like that from me or from anyone. I am here to protect the both of you".

"I know look there's no need to scream, i get it. I just felt like i could manage this one"

And Kelly didn't even notice that in fact he was screaming.

"I don't care Stella, i am not a plant in your life. I am the father of your child, and I don't know what is with you or if you think I don't care but i am tired of you doing things only your way i-"

But he stopped talking as soon as he saw how Stella was breathing so heavily.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he put one of his hands on her belly.

"I don't know, don't touch me" she took his hand off of her belly.

"Come on talk to me"

And so he stopped on the side of the road, to try and see if she'd allow him to help.

She let one breath out "i am okay" she said as she calmed down.

"What was it, look i am sorry. I shouldn't have screamed."

"It's okay it was just a sharp pain"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, plus we're going to med we'll ask them to check on the baby if needed okay?"

She was much more calmer now, he got back on the road and in no time they were at med. Natalie took care of her immediately.

"So what's the problem?" Nat asked.


Stella lifted her shirt up, and showed Natalie the wound she had on her left side. It wasn't that deep but it was deep enough that she needed some stitches.

"Oh my god"

"It's nothing, i just got hurt on a call. But it's really minor, don't hurt at all" she tried to sound convincing.

"I will pretend like I believe you." Natalie said a bit worried "you could have hurt yourself way more than that, and hurt your baby in the process. But we are going to disinfect the wound, and put some stitches in"

"Would you mind checking on the baby too while you're at it?" Kelly asked still worried.

"Oh yes sure"

Natalie sent a nurse for the stitching kit and then got to curing Stella. It was rather fast and painless.

"Thank you" Stella said.

"Now let's see how your baby is doing" Nat said with a smile on her face while she grabbed the ultrasound machine.

In a matter of seconds they heard a very strong heartbeat, and Natalie confirmed that everything was fine.

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