Part 14 : Be safe ok

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Stella ended up completely understanding her mother and she was not mad at her, and weirdly after thinking about it she just couldn't stay mad at her dad. He had raised her all her life at the end of the day, and maybe when she grew up he changed a bit but he was the one there. Sure she felt some kind of way with the way he was feeling towards her and how he had treated her, but it was more a feeling of being disappointed by him.
Kelly was worried, Mills hadn't been able to convince Stella to finally quit while she had time ahead.

"You ready for shift?" He asked her as they were getting ready.

"Yes, and you know what?"

"No" he looked at her intrigued.

"I am just going for a couple more shifts, i just be out of breath so quickly it's crazy" she explained.

"Yeah you think?"

"Yes, i mean i can't keep going like this. What if we have to go up some stairs, by the time i get to the victims i might not be able to catch my breath and help them"

"Well then" he grabbed her by the waist "it's going to be resting from now on".

"You are happy about this aren't you?" She asked looking at his happy face.

"Of course i am, i've been wanting you off the job Stella. So that i can take care of you properly, care for you"

"Yeah i guess" she gave him a kiss "thank you, for being so patient and sweet".

After that they left directly for the firehouse, Stella still kept having the feeling of her being watched. She was trying to shake it off but it was hard. Once at the firehouse, she made sure to rest in between calls. And she stayed with Mills, she needed to talk.

"You know ive felt like someone have been spying on me"

"Really, did you ever see anyone?" Mills asked worried.

"No not really but still it's creepy, I really feel a presence. And maybe i am crazy, but it's always at night i see like a shadow of some sort"

"You better be careful, you never know maybe someone is really out there watching you. You know you can always come to my place" he then offered.

"I know but imagine how Kelly would feel, he would hate that" she joked.

"Then he'd just have to keep quiet, i miss you Stella" he made a sad face "and i guess i just miss having you around all the time".

"But you don't even be coming to see me, you think I don't miss you too"

"No but you know"

They kept talking for as long as the next call allowed them, plus they had the whole ride and then some to talk so they were able to catch up.
Stella had finally gotten through all the shifts she wanted to do, she was now in her seven month of pregnancy and was ready to just chill and relax. So to make sure she'd go out with a bang, the guys at the firehouse had organized a little something for her. The Chief had taken them off service, to celebrate a little bit.

"Well Stella, this is your last shift and we just wanted to do something special for you" Otis started saying.

"Yes, and we have gifts" Cruz said while smiling.

"You should'nt have although you know this won't stop me from coming here right?" She informed them.

"Oh yeah we know" Herrmann said in a funny way.

So both her and Kelly started opening the gifts, and in one they found a tiny firefighting gear. It even said daddy's girl.

"Guys!" Severide started saying "this is so cute thank you"

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