Part 11 : are you okay?

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Everyone knew what Stella had done and was understanding her way of behaving.

"Too late, but i can still support you. Listen my mom made me come to the realization that i was wrong. Even if i wanted something and you wanted the opposite, so she made me realize that i should just be there for you and be the best boyfriend you could ever ask for." He explained quickly "please don't cry".

"Are you hurting anywhere, do you want to go home right away?" Mills asked then added "with me or Kelly".

"I am not hurting at all, i just got emotional in there"

"Baby girl" her mother started saying "you have us, it's going to be ok. You made your decision now let us take care of you while you recover from this"

She let out the deepest sigh like she was trying to release something from out if her, and closed her eyes "I couldn't do it"

And everyone was confused as to what she was saying.

"I didn't go through with it, i started thinking about things. Well mainly how i was really feeling about this and i just couldn't do it."

"Is it because of me" Kelly asked a bit guilty.

"No! It's me, i was lying to myself. Of course i was traumatized by what happened the first time around but it's when i start thinking about Sky and seeing how big she is, how healthy. I just thought to myself i can't possibly fuck this one up, i will be more careful"

"Are you sure about this?" Kelly asked as he took her hand.

"Yes! Yes i am"

And even if she didn't want at first to keep her baby, she just couldn't go through with the abortion. It just wasn't part of who she was, she didn't know yet how to cope with it all. But she knew she'd manage, she was so close to getting the procedure done before bursting in tears and regretting her decision.

"Where do you want to go love?" Her mother asked her.

"I just want to be with my daughter right now" she replied a she touched Sky's hand "but i'd love for everyone to be there too, yes mom?"

"Sure anything you need"

So they all left and went to Kelly's apartment, Mills' apartment was too small for them to all fit. They stayed a bit together in the living room and after a while Stella left to go in Kelly's room with Sky that had fallen asleep. Stella was emotionally tired, she looked over her little girl while she was sleeping and started to get herself lost in her thoughts. So lost that she fell asleep.
She could hear the ambulance sirens and she just knew that she was in one. But it seemed to her as if it wasn't moving, or maybe they were going really slow.

"Manuel!" She tried saying.

"I'm here, here hold my hand"

But as she tried to desperately lift her hand, it felt like she couldn't. She tried and tried, and with a bit of effort she was finally able. But as she couldn't open her eyes fully, her touch was the only thing she had. She could hear Manuel, but couldn't feel him it's like he was so far away from her that even if she was trying to extend her arm as much as she could she wouldn't be able to reach him.

"I can't see or feel you, where are you" she asked desperate and panicking.

"I am here baby"

"No I can't see you, Manuel please stop this"

"You got this, you're strong. There's nothing to worry about"

And so as she heard those last words pronounced by Manuel, it's like the ambulance accelerated and what seemed like a slow pace before was now faster than she could have ever felt. And the pain. The pain she was feeling in her lower abdomen was unbearable.

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