Part 21 : i enjoyed

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But he didn't give her enough time, to see if Kelly was ok. To see if he was bleeding badly, Manuel just left with her. They left from the back because he knew it would be easier to drive away from the police then to walk.

He got Stella in the car and then got in himself, and drove off. Speeding past the police who was only now getting to the house, Kevin and Adam just shifted their car and started chasing Manuel with backups.

Manuel was having a sentiment of adrenaline, knowing the police was right behind him just felt so great. He wasn't going too fast, and in an occasion or two he would shoot at the police.

"Please park the car" Stella asked nicely.

"What for, once I shoot the last bullets. I'll fly this bad boy, ain't no way they'll find us"

But Stella didn't want to end up in his power, and so she thought really quick. She knew he hadn't locked the car doors and so she opened the door and jumped.

"Stella" he shouted trying to hold her back.

But she jumped anyways, there was nothing else to stop him from accelerating and that's exactly what he did. He accelerated, he want to lose the cops. He didn't want to go to jail, he didn't care to have them still chase him.
It was his last bullet, and as he put his head outside the window to shoot this last bullet he lost control of the car. He tried to still maintain it on the road but his speed was way too fast, and he was going straight into a block of cement.

On which he crashed. Kevin and Ruzek had stopped for Stella who thankfully was ok.

"I'm good, i just want to know how Kelly is"

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"Manuel shot him before we left"

"Okay hold on, we need to check out the vehicle first. The crash was pretty brutal, he might still be alive but i see little to no chances of that"


Stella followed them, she just couldn't stay there and wait. She needed to know, her heart needed to see wether he was dead or not. Wether this whole nightmare was over or not. They approached the car, gun in hand pointing at it. The entire front of the car was busted, the windshield was completely shattered. They could see lots of pieces of metal coming out of the huge block of cement the car crashed onto. They were able to open the door, and it was just a shock.

"Oh my god" Stella said frightened.

Those were the only words Stella had been able to pronounce. The impact had been so hard and brutal, it was just impaled by all the metal pieces and for their surprise Manuel's head had been chopped off and had fallen to the side. Stella just couldn't help but throw up withing seconds of seeing this awful scene.
Mills had heard the gun shot, he knew he couldn't come out just yet. He needed to keep Aila safe. After hearing the house quiet down, gently put the little girl down and left the room. He walked carefully, he didn't know who could still be there. He finally saw Kelly laying down, and some blood. He instantly thought of the worst.


"Uh" he grunted a bit.

Kelly was getting back to his senses, and he got up. There was a lot of blood on the floor, but after Mills got down to Kelly's level he saw that the bullet didn't even go inside Kelly. It just slightly touch his arm.

"You really scared me there"

"That bullet still knocked me unconscious, here help me up" he extended his hand.

"Yeah the impact is really brutal at times"

Mills helped him get up, Kelly's arm was hurting like hell. And the instant he got up, the same instant they heard the police come in. Kelly quickly went to get Aila back. They let the police search over the whole house and then they got back to Kelly and Mills. But there was nothing else in that house.

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