Part 8 : Take cover

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Stella left, a bit hurt. Kelly didn't bother to talk to her about this whole Sky thing. And so she kept wondering if she was just a sex object to him, of course when they were having sex it felt like she was the only one for him. But she just didn't know what to think.

She got back to the apartment once again heart broken, with the decisions she took.

"Hi i'm back" she said as she took off her shoes.

"Hey" Sky ran to her.

So she took the little girl in her arms, she needed her daughter's love at the moment.

"I missed you"

"Me too" then she got on the floor "well i'm going to finish the pancakes uncle Mills made for me"

"Okay love" she then looked at Mills who was already staring at her. "I know what happened, tell me everything blablabla"

"Stella come on, you don't look so happy. Do i have to knock his teeth out or something" he asked all serious.

"No need for all that, but i'm hurt Mills"

"Why, girl that sounds like I really need to knock his teeth out. What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Well for one he signed the papers so that's a good thing and well" she started speaking a bit lower "we had sex again"

"Stella i know you want to pretend as if you didn't say anything but i heard you. My ears work completely fine, what's wrong with you. Or you guys can't really keep your hands off of each other"

"I don't know what it is, but everything about him just make me melt. I fell twice today only, I can't explain what he makes me feel"

"Like i said you love him"

"Ahhh" she said desperate "i think i do, but he don't"

"So what do you think maybe he just wants what you can give him"

"My body?" She asked and Mills nodded "i mean maybe but remember in the very beginning, we were definitely going to see were the attraction we felt would go to. But i guess after two tries we didn't have it in us to try again. He seemed genuine then or maybe he was just all a bit lie."

"All i know is that there's only so much your heart can take and if he damages your perfect little heart, i'll make him regret it for the rest of his days"

Stella laughed a bit then hugged Mills. She loved his direct way of talking, plus he was always so honest and funny. She gave him a hug and then they decided to go to the park with Sky.
After a couple of days, the lawyer had already made it official for the joth of them to have custody of Sky.

Today's shift was already starting off well, Stella had decided to take Sky for a little while there. She hadn't discussed with Kelly yet how they would share their time but she know they'd find how eventually.

The little girl was excited to see her dad after this long, she was walking hand in hand with Stella. And when they arrived on the apparatus floor, she saw Kelly sitting at the table and ran towards him.

"Daddy daddy".

He picked her up immediately, happy to finally have his little girl in his arms. And he kissed her all over.

"How are you baby?" He asked her emotional.

"I am good" she replied then looked at Stella "mommy said we were coming to see you so i was happy"

And as Stella heard the first mommy ever from Sky she just crumbled. She was so happy, but she didn't want anyone to see that she was crying and so she went in. But of course Mills followed.

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