Determination {Doc/Etho}

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{Guess who's back lovelies ! That's right me! You thought I'd be gone forever ,nah of course not ,honestly I've been going through somethings ,that's lead me to feel to unmotivated and insicure to write sadly, but rn I had the motivation and thought f*ck it ,let's get back to this ,so here I am ,I was in a fluffy mood, so here's some Doc/Etho (Idk the ship name TwT) this is sweet but short ,also kinda angsty ,kinda not fully, guess it's hurt/comfort? Anywho lovelies thank y'all for the patience ,I should have another oneshot out soon, also writing down some more incorrect quotes ,as y'all seem to like them so much xD , if y'all have any requests ,feel free to request them ,<3 (also the title is me ,not knowing what to put as a title , and also undertale ,that is all)

Hurt/comfort? Fluff?

No warnings!


Irl au (but like still their MC personas //skins) }


Doc sighed softly, he quietly closed the front door of his shared apartment, he looked over to the clock that hung on the wall cursing slightly under his breath, it was 1am, he knew his boyfriend would be upset at him for coming home late ,yet again but to be fair it wasn't entirely his fault, time seems to pass by when he's in the zone doing his projects, plus it's not like Etho is a saint, it's a miracle when the white haired boy comes home early, since etho is busy most days doing his own projects and work but Doc knows this was different...this time it was most definitely different, Doc had basically royalty fucked up.

It was their 1 year anniversary, and Doc had forgotten, the creeper hybrid was so angry at himself for forgetting ,he knew deep down, Etho wouldn't stay mad at him, he didn't have the heart to ,and that's what made Doc feeling even guiltyer ,knowing despite everything his boyfriend was always so kind.

Shaking his head ,Doc snapped himself Out of his self pitying thoughts ,knowing wallowing by the front door, won't help him make it up to Etho, he quietly made it towards his shared bedroom.

Doc couldn't help but feel his mood brighten slightly, when he entered the bedroom, his eyes gazing down at his sleeping lover, his heart fluttering at how peaceful his normally chaotic boyfriend was,

Etho was curled up, in the center of the bed, snoring gently, Doc also noticed how Etho was shivering slightly and also gently whimpering, the sound of the whimpers made Docs heart clenched at the noise, before looking around to where Etho had kicked the blanket, he noticed it by the side of the bed.

He walked up towards the bed, trying to stay quiet, he gently bent down, picking up the soft blanket from the floor, he gently placed it upon the white haired boy and tucked him in, making sure the blanket was more secure this time.

Doc's smile grew as the other nuzzled into the soft blanket,  sighing softly Doc bent down placing a gentle kiss upon Ethos temple, straightening back up, Doc sighed once more ,he felt the determination in his heart , determination to make it up to his boyfriend ,no matter what.

He was going to make it up to Etho. He was determined to.


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