Aftermath 3rd life (Scar/Grian)

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{A/N Ayo, I'm not dead , I've been just busy, recently started and MC server with friends and been having fun and less stress on there ,been having fun and it's a nice relaxing break from drawing/writing :D

Anywho I bring you a 3rd life short angst!  This is rather short but very angstyish? I also idk why I got the yandere vibe whilst writing the ending xD ,but yeh

Villain Scar and technically villain Grian ,and also technically bad ending ,depends how ya see it , this was rather fun and interesting to write , was also low-key listening to Kanaya songs whilst writing this ---

Warning before ya read ,this is technically spoilers for 3rd life recent episodes! So yeh, angst short angst, first 3rd life fic ,yeh ,have a good day! Love ya lovelies <3

Ships: Scarian (scar/grian)

Genre: Angst

Warning: Mentions of death ,explosions ,spoilers of 3rd life ,bad writing ,no proof read }


It happened so fast, the explosion,  one minute him and scar was Stealing Big B cookie, and next minute he heard a loud bang from behind him, the male couldn’t help but feel guilt run through him, as he looked out at the sight of the explosion, he knew this was meant to happen, but he was hoping it would be a dud , but it’s not his fault, he didn’t expect jimmy to break the minecart, hell Jimmy and Skizz weren't even meant to be there, they weren’t meant  die ,again...not yet ...he didn’t want them to be like ..him, but it’s too late, by the next day they’re gonna be like him as bloodthirsty as him.

The short male looked at the man of  his thoughts...Scar , who was chuckling with glee, of course he was, he was happy for the chaos that he was partially apart of, the winged male let out a nervous chuckle , as to not make his partner suspicious.

With a nervous say, Grian couldn’t help but glance over at Scott, and Grian could feel his heart clench at the shock and tears in scott’s eyes, he knew he caused this ,he caused his friends this pain, all because he couldn’t stand up to his insane partner, this is starting to remind him ...he’s nothing like him, he knows Scar has his moments where he can't control his bloodthirst but most times...Scar is sweet and kind, but yet sometimes Grian can’t help but wonder why he still stands by his ‘partner’.

But as he takes one more glance at Scar, the feeling he feels in his heart, everytime Scar looks at him, or smiles at him, or complimenting him or anything really, it makes him understand why he still stands by Scar , it’s not because he’s bond to scar because he owes him a life, he’s bond to  Scar emotionally.

He’s in love with Scar, and because of that he is willing to do anything  for him, even if that means burning his friends trust ,with a slight dark chuckle to himself ,he knew he was ready to watch the world burn...just for him….he will always love and be devoted to Scar.

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