need some help//voting //A/N

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Heyo lovelies Wren here and firstly I'd like to thank you all for the love and support on this book!! I appreciate all the comments ,votes and reads ,it honestly means the world to me, now on to the proper topic of this update

So firstly I am still working on my special chapter but have decided to take a bit of a break and work on something else ,and that leads onto this update ,I need y'all help on voting on some prompts for me to write (side note I'll still end up writing all the prompts ,but I'd like talk to vote on the one ,you want to see now, and also some prompts are actually my own ones ,that are basically unfinished oneshots )

So now onto the prompts!
(To vote on the prompt ,just comment on the prompts <3)

Bdubs tilting Ethos chin up to get a better look at his face and the evidence of a fight, Bdubs delicately thumbs away a streak of blood from Ethos mouth ,saying nothing As he examined it. After a brief pause, Ethos heart skips a nervous beat as bdubs looks him dead in the eyes. His voice quiet and tense. Hid anger is barely restrained.

"Who did this to you?"


There's a thunderstorm going on outside and Scar walks into his and Grian's shared room, to find him curled up in a ball, in the middle of their shared bed, he's sobbing because he is scared of the ongoing storm. Scar comforts Grian and helps them through the storm


Keralis kissing Xisuma's  scar's


Ex having to help Hels undress after an injury


Wels and Beef on a hammock together, the sun is setting, the air cools and Wels is asleep on Beef's chest while Beef has a foot on the ground, rocking the hammock in hopes of keeping Wels asleep


Xb falls asleep in Keralis's laps and Keralis has a conversation with (anyone ) while stocking Xb's hair as if they were a cat.


Etho writing Beef name in a heart/under the love umbrella/etc. in their notebook together with their own name.


Stress playing her fingers through Falses  hair while sitting near her on the couch


Doc has freckles and Ren absolutely loves them. Occasionally, Ren walks up and starts peppering Docs face with kisses then walks away to write something down.
Doc realizes Ren is putting down tally marks for how many freckles, he kisses ,Doc is secretly loving it, and allows Ren to "complete" his freckle tallies


{Set in when Grian was alone in the upside down}

Grian is feeling extremely lonely in the upside down and upset that anyone has yet to visit or come to stay in the upset down, during one of his loneliness panic attacks ,Bdubs ends up finding Grian and Comforting and reassuring him.

Iskall: what's your biggest fear?
Mumbo: you
Iskall turning to look at mumbo: me?!
Mumbo: I'm scared that one day you'll look in the mirror and see yourself as I see you and you will realise how amazing you are and that you deserve better than me ….
Mumbo: I'm terrified that you'll leave me


Xb falling asleep during the car ride home and Doc carrying him into the house


Hels and Wels are having a 'friendly' sparring match, in which Wels is constantly poking fun and teasing Hels, to the point we're Held is absolutely fuming ,one thing leads to another and Hels ends up saying something he most definitely regrets


Grian screams at the top of his lungs when Doc comes running to him, he finds Grian standing on top of a chair screaming about a spider

Hey if your reading this ,thanks once again for all the love and support ,honestly means alot, I've been going through alot of things lately, to the point I'm honestly just too tired to do anything lately and too anxious hence the lack of oneshots :/ ,so seeing all the love and support, really helps and cheers me up , anywho lovelies have a fabulous day/afternoon/night,  thank y'all again <3 (pls vote )

Also ayy art ,redesigned my persona (the jacket//hair)

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