Soulmates (Beeftho Angst )

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{Soooo....this was interesting thing to write, it's very bitter and angsty and confusing, and it actually made me tear up writing it lmao, but yeah this was gonna be a different angst but then I got this idea and had to write the pure angst, also side note the voting for the next stories imma be doing ,ends tomorrow ,so yeh :D ,hope y'all enjoy this

This is also an Irl soul mate au (except they use their youtuber names and look like their skins lmao)

Warnings:Mentions of Death ,Death , implications of Murder?(idk ) ,mentions/implications of BDoc, Mentions of proposals, mentions//implications of the hippies (I had to xD) , very very angsty and not really a happy ending,

Ships: Mentions of Beeftho (it's there but also not there ) ,mentions of BDoc and Mentions of Hippies (Ren/Grian/Impulse

Genre :Angst

Enjoy <3}


It was a calm night, the full moon was high in the sky, there were a few people walking the streets but overall it was a quiet night.

There was one boy who walked the street with a purpose,  he was  tall and had silver hair that shone in the moonlight. His mismatched eyes held nothing but sadness and a glint of guilt in them, he was holding a beautiful arrangement of flowers in his hands.

The white haired boy came to a stop at a tall gate, giving a sigh, the tall boy gently and quietly pushed the tall steel gate open, closing it behind himself, he turnt out around, a slight smile graced his lips under his mask, as he looked up at the familiar hill, were a beautifully grand tree grew, sighing once more, the white haired boy made his trek up the steep grassy hill,.

Once he made his way up the hill, he came to a stop by the big tree. The boy made his way around the tree, before kneeling down in front of a bunch of arrangements of flowers and a stone plaque.

He place the flowers down and in front of the stone were the others layed, he then gently placed his hand upon the rugged stone, he used his other hand to pull down his mask, before speaking

Heya Beefers, it's Etho, but you probably already know that…. it’s been awhile, sorry i haven't been here for awhile, it’s just been so hard coming back here, each time knowing that your truly gone, and that you’ll never be coming back” 

Etho spoke shakily, tears threatening to spill from his eyes

Anyway things have been okay with me, i’ve gone back to school, like i said i would, the flower shop is going good , so i heard ...i’ve had Grian ,Ren and Impulse run the place, whilst i take a break...i uh found the box… and the ring inside first all i wanted to do was shout and scream after finding it but now i’m fine i know...i would of said yes, if you had the chance to ask...but now it's too l-late

Etho finally let his tears run free , sobbing and hiccuping

It’s t-too l-late an-and i-its all b-because o-of t-that b-b-bastard , if i-i could, i-id strangle h-him m-myself, i-i w-wish i-i could o-o-of s-saved y-you , but n-now i-its t-too l-late , IT’S UNFAIR, WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME!

The young boy finally broke, yelling at the end, he was nothing but a sobbing blubbering mess

I-if i-i-i could i w-would o-of t-traded my l-life with yours… i know deep down that wouldn’t of changed anything, but i’d do anything for you Beef, i’d do anything to have you here in my arms again...i miss you

The white haired boy whispered at the end

Etho arranged himself slightly, so he was able to lay against the grave, he looked up to the night sky with a sigh

I should be going soon Beefers, Bdubs and Doc are probably getting worried and waiting up for me… they’ve been worried about me alot lately, i don’t blame them...i’ve been all over the place as of late, but who could blame me...i did lose my soul mate, i know it’s been a year, but it’s still too hard for me to move on, i think i'm gonna stay here  for a while

Etho softly spoke, closing his eyes , too tired and emotionally exhausted, to get up

I love you Beefers

He murmured, slowly losing conscious and drifting off to sleep.

Standing behind the white haired boy, stood a ghostly figure, with a sad smile upon his face, walking up to the younger one, the ex butcher and ghost, gently bent down placing a gentle kiss upon Ethos forehead, he then moved so his lips were close to the others ear.

I love you too, my beautiful fox, please stay strong, things will get better, i’ll always be here by your side love, maybe not physically but spiritually , your my everything Etho, ill wait for you until its your time to come to me...goodbye for now my love” Beef softly murmured

Beef gave one last kiss upon the youngers forehead, before standing up and slowly disappearing , a faint smile upon the ex butchers lips

And eventually he left, left Etho alone, a sleep upon the hill, a faint smile was upon Ethos lips, his eyes were puffy and red, but despite everything, he may never be the same without his soulmate but luckily he know he has people by his side , who will help him heal, he may not be okay right now, but maybe one day he’ll be able to move on, but for now he's content to lay next to his old soulmate.


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