Softness (Beetho)

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{What? A none Grian ship or fic? That's rare for me not to write anything Grian as of late... Anywho lovelies I is back from the dead, with this soft short drabble like fic , anywho I'm going to try and get back into writing ,so this fic is rushed and just soft (hence the title), also got a slight question, would y'all mind if I post a Team Canada fic? I know it ain't hermitcraft technically but been re watching their vids together and I love their dynamic together and it's such a good ship TwT ,just wondering if y'all wouldn't mind me posting that fic on this book-- ,
anywho hope ya lovelies have a fabulous day//afternoon//night <3

Also side note, I've been drawing fox Etho alot lately ,soooo Etho is part fox ,yep that's a thing XD

Ship: Beef/Etho

Warnings: None!}

Beef hummed a soft tune to himself, gently raking his fingers through the soft white hair, that layed upon his boyfriends head, that was currently in his lap
(why the heck, does this sentence seem weird? Creepy even)
, he made sure to be careful of his boyfriend’s fox ears, as they were extremely sensitive and fragile.

Both boys decided to spend the evening together, as both boys had been way too busy to properly spend time with each other,  so they were both just happy to spend the evening cuddled up against each other.

Etho raised his head slightly, his mismatched eyes meeting Beef’s deep blue eyes, a smile graced his lips, he leaned forward slightly placing his lips upon his boyfriend’s lips, he could feel Beef smile into the kiss, and the ninja, couldn’t help but lose himself into the kiss, as Beef had deepened the kiss.

Beef melted into the kiss, he ran one of the hands in his boyfriend’s hair and lightly touched one of Ethos ears, he felt his heart stutter slightly, at the whine that came deep from his boyfriends through, he chuckled slightly as Etho broke away from the kiss, face heating up slightly, and he leaned slightly into Beef’s hand, liking the slight attention.

Etho hummed slightly, white tail wagging slightly, he looked down at his boyfriend nothing but love in his eyes and Beef knew his own eyes showed the same look, before Beef knew it, Etho flopped back down onto him, making Beef wince slightly.

Beef snaked his arms back around his boyfriend’s waist once more, and Etho laid his head upon his boyfriend’s chest, humming slightly, tracing unknown figures upon Beef’s chest,

“ Hey, Beefers ?”
Etho spoke up softly, continuing to trace figures into his boyfriend’s chest

“Yes, Etho?”
Beef replied equally as soft, slightly concerned

“I just wanted to say, I love you”
Etho continued, burring his head into Beef chest, slightly flustered

Beef grinned slightly, his own face heating up slightly, all his concern being wiped away, being replaced with nothing but adoration for his little fox boyfriend

“ I love you too, my little fox boy”
He happily replied, chuckling as Etho lightly hit his chest

Both  boys stayed snuggled up upon the ground, just talking and generally having fun together, in each other’s arms

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