Secret Mornings (Hels/Grian)Part 2

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{ heya lovelies, y'all seemed to love my ,Grian/Hels oneshot so much, I had to make a part 2 xD, I'm glad y'all liked the first part and hope y'all like this part! Twas fun to write but also ,was another rambling//rushed (drawing above ,is what I drew for the original part)


Ship: Grian/Hels

Warnings: none  but fluff }


Grian groaned slightly, not wanting to get up, he nuzzled into the heat, that surrounded him, he could hear a slight chuckled, the warm body bellow him vibrating, what in turn made Grian smile slightly, knowing he has no choice to get up

“Morning Gri, i know your up” spoke the gentle voice, of his boyfriend

Grian hummed in response, cracking his eyes open a bit, wincing at the brightness around them, he instantly snapped his eyes shut,

“ i don't wanna get up” Grian whined, nuzzling his head into the crook of his boyfriends neck

Hels chuckled slightly, his cheeks brightening slightly, he patted Grian on the head, lightly racking his finger through Grian’s dirty blonde locks 

“That’s fine Gri, we don't have to get up, just yet, but remember you can’t stay too long, you don't want the other hermits to get suspicious” Hels replied, gently

Grian whined  again, knowing Hels was right, but at the same time he just wants to spend time with his boyfriend, without caring about what the other hermits think, but he also knows how they'd react, how Wels react, he couldn't let them find out, not just yet, at least 

“I know, but maybe i could spend just a little bit longer here? It's been awhile since we last hung out, “ Grian replied softly, raising his head to look into Hels crimson eyes, his  own caramel eyes, gleamed with hope and love

Hels sighed softly, looking away, knowing he could never say no, to Grian, when he looked at him like that, Hels smiled gently,  he himself, wanted to spend time with Grian more freely, and he  supposed it wouldn't hurt, to spend a little more time together, god this little gremlin was going to kill him

“Hmmm i suppose, it wouldn't hurt to spend, a little more time in bed together” Hels replied, smile brightening, when he saw the pure joy and excitement in his boyfriends eyes

Hels let out a muffled flustered yelp, when Grian lent down, smashing their lips together excitedly, the kiss wasn't exactly gentle, it was messy, but it was perfect for them, as they normally do not get to kiss, since most times, either Grian is busy with building, and he cant sneak off to the nether, or Hels has his own things to do,  he himself is trying to get Wels trust, so the two can finally be open with their relationships, so moments like these, no matter how messy they are, was perfect in both their eyes.

Both finally pulled away, both had lovestruck smiles upon their faces, both were panting, Hels could see how flustered Grian had gotten, he Hels knew his own face  was no different 

“Well that was out of the blue, what was that for ?” Hels panted slightly, finally able to gather his thoughts 

Grian murmured slightly, face brightening even more

“What was that Gri? Couldn’t hear ya “ Hels responded chuckling, at Grian’s obvious embarrassment 

Grian just shook his head slightly, and bent down, burying his head in Hels neck once more, murmuring the three words, that made Hels heart, flutter and jump with joy

“I love you “ Grian murmured softly 

Hels smile brightened, heart flutterings at Grian’s soft tone, this wasn't the first time they've said they loved each other, but most times they don't really say it, they just show their love, and know in their hearts they love each others, so moments like theses were more special 

“I love  you too, Gri” Hels spoke even more softly , racking his fingers through Grian’s hair once more 

“Well if we're going to stay here longer, do you want to goo back to sleep, since neither of us are busy today “ Hels continued 

Getting no response, Hels looked down, chuckling once more,  when he realized, as he mas racking his fingers through Grians hair, he may of accidentally put Grian back to sleep, sighing softly, Hels knew eventually Grian would have to leave, go back to the hermits, so they don't get suspicious,  but he was glad they could spend moments like this, and was glad when they spend moments like theses, Grian’s actually taking a break and some sleep.

Hels decided to close his own eyes, for a bit,  he felt sleep consume him, he snuggled up back into Grian, continently 

By the time the two awoke, it was around the afternoon, Grian had to hurriedly get up and get dressed, he wished Hels a quick goodbye, laying a gentle kiss upon Hels lips, before spreading his white wings and flying off.

Hels just stared off at Grian’s figured, flying off, smiling softly at the shorter boy, before sighing and turning around, knowing he now has his own  work to do, maybe in the near future, when things are better they can tell people of their relationship, but for now both are continente with their little secret, their secret happiness.

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