Arachnophobia (Grian/Doc)

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  { Welp here it is ,the Gridoc Spider fic! Aka the most voted fic lmao, sorry this took time, I was Hella busy ,I got commissioned by a friend to do some discord emotes, so I put them before writing my fics, anywho I hope ya enjoy this fic, take it as an appoligie for the last angsty fic, this is Hella soft
And took me time to write


Warnings:Spiders (and my hatred toward them) ,slight insecurities ,fluff

Genre:hurt/comfort also very fluffy

Anywho hope y'all enjoy, now time to write some Hex } 


Doc groans slightly as the sun from the open curtains awoke him from his slumber, cracking his eyes open slightly, the creeper hybrid looked to the side of him, a small smile gracing his lips, as he softly looked at the dirty blond haired boy that laid beside him.
Doc couldn't help but place a small gentle kiss upon the smaller males head, pulling back, he couldn’t help but grin as he noticed the small smile, that graced the other boys lips, gosh the creeper hybrid was completely infatuated and in love with the little gremlin, shaking his head.

Doc groans once more, knowing he has to get up from bed,  glancing at his partner one last time, the hybrid finally gets up from his shared bed, walking down the long hallway , Doc walked around the corner towards the kitchen , Doc smiled once more , an idea forming in his head, he had the perfect idea on how to show how much he loves Grian, he may not be the best with words, but Doc makes it up with his actions.

He was going to make him and Grian, the best breakfast and was going to absolutely spoil his partner, making his way towards the stove
(is it stove or cooker, idk TwT),
Doc prepared to make some strawberry pancakes
(i'm hungry,), after getting out the ingredients, Doc started making the meal.

Humming softly, Doc was lost in his thoughts , thoughts about the essay and projects he has to do, but his main thoughts revolved around the dirty blond haired gremlin that was currently asleep in there shared bed, talking about  Grian, hes thankful that the gremlin finally is getting some much needed sleep, Doc knows hes being a slight hypocrite, as he also get a minimum amount of sleep, but that's beside the point.

A loud scream is what snapped the hybrid out of his thoughts, Doc quickly rushed from the kitchen, and ran towards the bedroom , as of course the scream came from there, quickly rushing into the bedroom,  Doc came across a sight he wasn’t expecting, there was his partner, the male who was previously occupying his thoughts, the dirty blond haired male, was crouched in the corner of there bedroom, cowering in fear.

Doc was beyond concerned for his smaller partner, the hybrid tilted his head slightly in confusion

“G? What’s wrong? What happened?” Doc murmured gently to the other male

Grian just silently pointed to the other corner of the room, Doc eyes followed we’re Grian was pointing, and when he saw what Grian was so afraid of, Doc couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh.

“Seriously G, it’s just a-”

Doc fell silent when he looked back at Grian, the look in Grian’s eyes, tore at the other males heart strings, his heart clenched at the tears he could see in the corners of Grian’s eyes, He could also see the absolute fear and panic in his partners eyes, all Doc wanted to do was rush over to his partner and give him a hug, but first Doc had to get rid of the problem, that caused his partners panic.

Quietly making his way over to the small spider, he grabbed a tissue from the night stand, and he quickly picked up the small spider crushing it, he then chucked it in the bin.

When he finally got rid of the pest, he quickly made his way back to Grian, he bent down so he was at eye level with Grian, he gently placed his organic hand under the other hybrids chin, tilting it up gently until Grian was looking into his eyes

“Heya sunshine, how are you feeling?” Doc gently spoke, looking deeply into Grian’s crystal blue eyes

“Y-y-yes...actually n-no not r-really” Grian stuttered out, the tears in the corner of his eyes finally falling down his checks

Sighing softly, Doc gave Grian a reassuring smile, before pulling the smaller hybrid into a hug, Doc held the smaller male, gently racking his fingers through Grian’s soft white wings, he whispered sweet comforting words, into his sobbing partners ears, Grian’s face was buried into Doc’s bare chest.

“I’m sorry …” Grian murmured into Doc’s chest

Doc was confused as to why Grian was apologising, there was no need to apologise in such an advent.

“Sorry? What are you apologizing for sunshine?, there's no need to apologise”

Doc softly spoke, continuing to gently caress Grian’s wings

Grian pulled himself away from Doc’s chest, avoiding eye contact with Doc

“I’m sorry for being such a baby about something so trivial, its a stupid fear i know, “

Grian mumbled slightly, face was flustered

Doc just shook his head, pulling the other hybrid back into the hug, he couldn't help but smile at the flustered yelp he got in response.

“Grian, listen there's nothing to be sorry about, its naturally to have fears, even i have my fears, it's what makes us human...or well a winged human and a creeper hybrid, so please don’t apologies, i’ll always be here to protect you from the scary monsters!”

Doc spoke gently, chuckling slightly

Grian just smiled gently into Doc’s chest, murmuring a soft ‘i love you’, Doc just smiled gently , placing a gentle kiss a top Grian’s head, continuing to trail his fingers through Grian’s wings, he gently stroked the base of Grian’s wings, smiling at each pleased hum he got in response, nothing could truly break this perfect moment, nothing…..

Until something did.

“Hey Doc?” murmured Grian

“Yeah G?” Doc replied back

“What’s that smell” Grian continued


“THE PANCAKES!” Doc yelled out in shock


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