BloodLust 3rd Life (Grian/Scar?)

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{A/n well well well ,I'm already back with a oneshot xD ,I got inspired ! Also would y'all believe me if I said this was originally meant to be a fluff?? But then thoughts started running and we'll , my idea is what if Grian loses a life! Would he still stick with scar? Also my idea in this is basically , when your on red life ,you have urges to kill//Trap and your other emotions are more extreme ,

Also the title in my doc for this was Aftermath alternative ending :D

Warnings: Death, murder ,memory loss (scar sorta forgets he did a bad things--), no happy ending, badly written, this was rushed TwT, no proof read


Genre :flu-- Angst ,it was fluff but yeh angst

Read at your own risk , Scars also insane }


It was a normal day in the desert...well as normal as it could get, a short haired male was walking through the desert, humming softly to himself,
a soft smile graced his lips, coming to a halt at the place he now calls, home, the male lets out a soft sigh, his smile brightening up, he knew as soon as he made his way
into his shared base, his peace would be over, but that just brought joy to his heart, walking  through the open door of his shared desert home, the male softly called out
the name of his partner in crime, but all he got was silence in response, well that was unusual, his partner was normally here.

The smile on his face, slowly dropped as he felt memories hit him, they were bleary , he could remember yelling, his partner was crying, he remembered hearing a loud bang,
shaking his head the male, lent his body against the wall, feeling tears in the corner of his eye, he banged his head against the wall as he tried to remember what
happened, he distinctly remembered blood stained hands, and a blood stained sword, he felt guilty? what was he guilty for...he doesn't remember and that is
What hurts him the most

The male heard faint whispers around they were calling to him, looking up to see what was making those noises, his eyes caught his reflection in the broken
mirror, his reflection... it looked nothing like him! His skin was Grey and his eyes...were a soulless red and it looked to be smirking?, looking into his eyes once more
is when the memories hit him.

He remembers , he remember him and Grian, they were discussing their previous trap...the explosion at ren enchanting, Grian was worried about the repercussions and about
his friends, worried if they were too hurt....Scar remembered feeling angry? he was angry he cared more about those people who betrayed him, he was more angry
that he put them before their partnership! Grian was his!....he snapped at the short male, he just wanted to threaten him into submission, he remembered grabbing his
sword, and just basically threan Grian, that if he didn't listen, well he wasn't worth his time, and he'd rather end the life that was owe...he didn't mean to....
Grian decided to struggle, and yell at Scar, he yelled things like 'This isn't the person, i fell in love with' and other things like that, He couldn't help it
His urges at that got out of control, he couldn't contain it anymore.

He remembered stabbing the sword into Grian, he remembered seeing the fear and Betrayal in his love's eyes, he felt nothing at the time, he didn't feel guilt until he
heard Grian's last words 'You promised to protect me...i love you Scar', those words... still haunt him now.

Breaking his gaze from the mirror, Scar let out a broken sob, falling to his knees, this was his fault...he would never hear the joyous laughter and happiness of his
lover,  because he had gotten to jealous...he made a promise to Grian he'd be nothing like the male that hurt him...yet he broke that promise.

He hopes maybe, that Grian would forgive him, he knows at the end of the day all this was meant to be a game...but the longer they all stay here, the longer they each
lose themselves in this "game", lose their sanity, just to be the last man (and woman) standing.

Gazing at his reflection one last time, the brunette knows what he has to do, he has to get his love back no matter what, no matter who gets in the way, he could feel
the familiar anger return, he let out a soulless chuckle, he'd do anything for Grian....Even if that meant burning this entire server down.

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