Sunset Love (Keralis/Bdubs)

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{Heya lovelies, I'd firstly like to apologize how long it's took me to post a story, I've felt absolute no motivation or inspiration to write but since I've finally got some motivation, I've decided to write this absolute sweet fic

This is pure fluff, absolute sweetness and no angst or hurt comfort for once ,it's short but sweet

Ship: Keralis/Bdubs

Warning: you may die of cuteness overload (this ships to wholesome and I'm just happy to write a non Grian ship for once ^-^)

Anywho hope ya lovelies have a fabulous day//afternoon//night )

Two boys, sat together upon the roof, of one of the tallest boys, many beautiful buildings,  both boys were sat close, close as possible, the shorter more tanned brunette, was basically sitting in the other brunettes lap, both of the boys were gazing up at the beautiful sky, they we’re currently watching the beautiful sunset together.

It’s been a while, since the two lovers, had formerly gone on a little date like this, so they we’re both continent just calmly laying against each other like this, amongst the beautiful red sky.

The tallest of the two, know as Keralis, looked down at his shorter boyfriend, Bdubs, who was still looking up at the sky, with amazement, nothing but love and adoration showed in Keralis eyes.

As if he could feel eyes being bored into him, Bdubs looked up at his boyfriend, curiosity shimmering in his brown eyes, he tilted his head slightly as well, making Keralis cooe slightly in response, at how cute his boyfriend was, he then just bent down slightly laying a gentle kiss upon his boyfriend’s lips,  his smile brightly into the kiss, as he heard Bdubs let out a flustered yelp, before melting into it.

After a while, the two best friends broke away from the kiss, both were breathing heavily and both had love-struck smiles upon their faces, they were both gazing into each other’s eyes, love, and happiness in both of their eyes.

Bdubs nuzzled his flustered face into his boyfriend’s chest, making Keralis chuckle slightly, at his boyfriend’s flustered state, despite how many times the two have done things like this, the smaller always seems to get flustered at every compliment and kiss, Keralis gives him.

Rapping his arms around his boyfriend, bringing him closer to his chest, he brought the two of them gentle to the ground, with Keralis back laying against the concrete, and Bdubs was laying, snuggled up upon his chest, his head was placed just under Keralis

Keralis glanced back up at the sky, smiling slightly at the now beautiful starry night, Keralis couldn’t help but feel how lucky he was in this moment, he always knew how lucky he was, but he felt even luckier in this moment, he was lucky to be on a server with such amazing and creative people and was even luckier to spend most of his days and nights with his most beautiful boyfriend, he was so happy he confessed Bdubs, because now he can spend as much time with both his best friend and boyfriend.

“Hey bubbles” Keralis spoke, to his sleepy boyfriend

“Yeah, Keralis?” Bdubs sleepy replied

“I love you” Kerlalis continued

“ I love you too hun” Bdubs replied

Eventually, Bdubs fell asleep against his boyfriend’s chest, leaving Keralis alone in the
the quietness of the night, and leaving him in his thoughts
Keralis gazed down at his sleeping boyfriend, gosh he definitely was infatuated with this boy, sighing softly to himself, Keralis gently, as to not wake his boyfriend, grabbed a black box from his pocket, smiling gently as he opened it, a silver ring shimmered slightly in the moonlight, Keralis felt himself tear up slightly, he knew one day, one day, he was going to marry this man, he just needs to find the same courage he had, when he first confessed to Bdubs, but untell then he was content, laying amongst the stars, with the love of his life.

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