Secret Happiness (Grian/Hels)

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{Rare ships go brrrr ,hah! Finally doing a ship I've yet to see anyone do, so that's good and hell I actually now like this ship so much TwT ( but also a poly ship of Ex x Grian X Hels ,don't ask ,maybe will write) but anywho this is sorta then normal ,anywho I procrastinated and wrote a whole different oneshot then the ones I was writing xD, anywho thanks to y'all who read this rambling and rare ship...god I love rare ships

Ship: Grian/Hels

Genre: fluff!

Warnings: None }

Hels smiled gently down at the sleeping boy against his chest, he gently raked his fingers through his boyfriends, dirty blond locks, smiling even more when his boyfriend nuzzled into his hand, Hels let out a gentle  chuckle when he could hear that the younger boy had started to pur.

To be honest, Hels loved moments like these, moments where he could be calm, to be happy and not want to destroy the world, this was their little secret of course, and he was definitely not going to let anyone take his chaotic boyfriend away, he would fight anyone who would try.

He couldn’t help but cooed slightly when his boyfriend, nuzzled into his chest, wrapping his wings around Hels , his boyfriends wings were one of Hels’ favourite things, he knew they were a big insecurity for his boyfriend, because of how “ruined” they we’ve, yes they were beat up  but that was thanks to very bad people in his gremlins boyfriends life, and he would honestly want to kill those peoples, but he refrained, for now, but despite all that, he deeply loved his boyfriends wings, but if he's being honest with himself, he loves everything about his boyfriend, from his white wings to his caramel eyes, he loved the freckles upon his boyfriends cheeks, he loved how flustered his boyfriend got with any compliment he gave him, he just love his boyfriend so much, Grian was everything to him and the one person who knew how to calm him down, when he was in one of his moods.

Sighing gently, he pulled Grian against his chest, bending down a bit, to lay a kiss on top of his boyfriends head, he smiled brightly when Grian’s wings tightened around him, and he chuckled when Grian sleepy murmured in his sleep.

Settling down slightly, Hels could feel his own eyes drift close slightly, he allowed them to shut, darkness consuming him, he had one finally thought on his mind before he feel asleep, and that was how lucky he was to have Grian, without him, Hels would likely be a revengeful mess, he was absolutely in love with Grian.

Finally Hels felt himself drift off asleep, contiently, his dreams we’re full of his and Grian’s future, a future where everyone will accept their secret relationship

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