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(Hello lovelies,this is a slight rushed fic,since I didn't have much time , Being busy packing and all,and for the fact my internet is gone{posting this at a café} ,I wanted to get this out and done,now this was requested by bamalexis22 ,also of course Ren and Doc are OCC af xD,but I don't really watch Ren and Doc,been too busy packing for France,to watch hermitcraft TwT,also I don't really like how this came out ,if y'all read to the end ,thank Chu lovelies ,now enough ramblings onto the oneshot !




Also sorta of a college //soulmate au type thing )

Alone in a dorm room sat two boys,a creeper hybrid and a werewolf hybrid,one was more nervous then,the other,both boys had just come back from there respected jobs,and they were currently silently sitting upon the couch,cuddled up against each other ,a silent meow could be heard in the next room.

Doc nervously tapped his fingers against his thigh,looking down at his lap nervously,he only looked up when a hand grabbed his own,stopping him from his nervous tapping,looking up he noticed Ren smiling down at him,Doc smiled back slightly,before frowning slightly and looking back down into his lap


Ren questioned,Doc just nodded in response,making Ren frown slightly,growing even more worried than he was 

“You know...we don't have to do this,i won't force you,Doc “ Ren continued 

Doc instantly looked up and shook his head quickly

“No--no it's fine...if i don't do this now,i'll never do this,plus this will be like ,Exposure therapy?”the creeper hybrid responded to his worried boyfriend

Ren smiled again,squeezing Doc’s hand reansurely 

“Exactly! Now..are you ready?”the werewolf once again questioned
Doc nodded looking into Ren's calming eyes,feeling a tad bit calmer than he originally was ,Ren stood up from the coach and went into the other room,leaving Doc to his thoughts.

Looking down into his lap and silently thinking to himself,he wondered why on earth he let Ren convince him into doing this,well he knows how Ren convinced him,the sneaky  little werewolf hybrid he is, decided to use Doc’s one weakness against him,he used his puppy dog eyes on Doc,and of course Doc couldn't deny Ren at all after that,Ren had managed to convince Doc into doing  some exposure therapy,mainly because  every time the pair would visit their friends Scar and Grian in the dorm,the two soulmates would have to lock their cats into there bedrooms,so Doc wouldn't flinch or freeze up at ever meow or any time the cats would try and approach him and Doc knew that wasn't fair,not fair on  Grian and Scar having to lock up their  cats every time both Ren and Doc visited,but at the same time it’s not Doc’s fault  that he has this fear,it basically in his genes,being half creeper and all,it comes naturally on being afraid of theses felines,but at the same time theses fears are reasonable,with their sharp teeth and pointy claws,who wouldn't be afraid of cats? But he doesn't want to just do this,to put less strain on Grian and Scar every time they'd visit,he also wants to do this for himself,he wants to at least try and get over this fear,and he knows he might be able to do this with the help of Ren,he trust Ren and his judgment,despite how a lot of times he acts like a puppy ,in situations like theses he knows how to help Doc out ,thinking about his boyfriend,Doc couldn't help but smile gently to himself,thinking at what lengths the two have gone for each other,ever since the two met each they've been helping each other out with problems like theses,Doc remembers the first time Doc truly admitted his fear of cats,and Ren was super supportive,admitting he realized Doc was afraid of cats,since well everytime a cat would approach Doc or even meow near him,it would make Doc instantly freeze up,smiling gently at the thoughts of how supportive Ren truly was after he told him of his fear,a silent call of his name,is what snapped the cyborg out of his thoughts,looking up he notices Ren gently approaching him,he seemed to be holding ,what seemed to be a moving fluff ball,a tiny meow instantly made Doc know what the little ball of fluff was ,gulping slightly,Doc looked up nervously into Ren’s eyes,and Ren just looked back at him smiling gently,bending down so he could get eye leveled with Doc,allowing Doc to finally see the little fluff ball,of a kitten in his arms

“Hey”Ren spoke gently,as to not startle both Doc and the kitten in his arms
“H-Hey” Doc croaked back,before coughing slightly

“Are you okay?”Ren questioned,looking worriedly at his boyfriend

“Honestly,no,im terrified “Doc responded back

“Hey,you can still back out of this ,i'm not going to force you to do something ,that will make you uncomfortable” the  werewolf continued

“N-no,with gotten this far Ren ,it's pointless backing out now”

Ren chuckling slightly,before looking back at Doc,making sure he was absolutely sure and ready,Doc nodded gently still nervous,about the whole situation,Ren patted Doc on the knee gently before ,rearranging himself and placing the little ball of fluff upon Doc’s lap.

Doc smiled gently when he noticed the cats claws clipped,making the feline a little less scary,he also smiled more,when the cat raised its head,tilting it to the side a bit ,meowing gently and curiously up at Doc,he also noticed something different about the cat,she seemed to have a slight scar over her left eye.

Doc gently smoothed the top of the kitten's head with his organic arm ,as if he was scared he may hurt the tiny thing or it may hurt him...,in response the kitten nuzzled against his hand purring slightly ,hearing a slight chuckle Doc looked down at Ren,noticing the slight adoring and amused look 

“What?” Doc questioned his boyfriend

“Oh its nothing,im just happy that you seem to be enjoying yourself “

Doc nodded his head,in response to Rens statement ,Doc has to admit this was quite nice and calming, this wasn't as terrifying as he thought it would,smiling gently Doc responded

"This is actually less scary than I thought it would be,this cat is so tiny...and harmless"

Doc smiled gently at the kitten in his lap ,continuing to pet it,smiling brighter when he hears it purr even louder

"See!! I knew ya could do it Doc and knew it wouldn't be so hard "

Doc nodded before responding

"Yeah,you were right Ren...I never doubted you,Pup"

Ren smiled brightly up at Doc, before getting up off the ground,he was sitting on ,growing a tad bit uncomfortable by sitting on the floor ,and he gently and carefully ,sat next to his boyfriend on the couch ,making sure not to disturb the sleeping kitten

"I'm proud of you Doc ! You did so well"

Doc smiled once again,leaning gently into Ren's chest

"Thank you Pup,you know maybe now,we can maybe get a cat of our own?"

Ren's grin brightens 

"Well I'm glad ya said that,you see the lovely kitten your holding ,well she doesn't have a home ,she's a stray in a sense "

Doc looks at his boyfriend,knowing what he's getting at

"So I'm guessing you want to keep her"

Ren nodded enthusiastically 

"Well of course!"

"Only if you want " Ren continues

Doc noddeds

"Yeah,that sounds lovely Ren,it will take time to get used to her but I think I can ,she's a sweet cat"

Ren smiled gently at Doc ,pulling the creeper hybrid into his chest.

And that's how the two or well now three spent the rest of the Day.

Ren,Doc and Their new little companion ,spent the day cuddled up on the couch,watching some movies and not worrying about the outside world,out of the dorms .

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