First Kiss(Scar/Grian)

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{ Firstly welcome y'all to another oneshot,this was not requested,I was just in a good mood and put it into this one's shot ,tbh I haven't written angst in awhile soooo yeh xD

Warning:None ,this I absolute fluff,a tad angsty near the end,mentions of Evo And YHS

Also the is winged grian ,cause he's adorable

Ship: Scar/Grian (Scarian)

Pretty much pure fluff and happiness, established realtionship

Also I want to thank Newfoundland_Emy for giving me some writing tips,she's the reason I'm posting two days in a row ,her writing is amazing ,make sure to read her oneshot book!!
Also thanks bamalexis22 for giving me the inspiration,by getting me to draw Scarian fanart xD
Y'all should also check her oneshot book,it is absolutely amazing as well This isn't a prompt actually,this just came to me,now anywho on too the oneshot!}


Grian and Scar had  been dating for quite some time now,they've been dating for about 3 months,yet the furthest they have got was holding hands and cuddling.

Scar smiles gently to himself,remembering back to when the two got together,it was a day like any other, Scar was walking through the shopping district alone,just trying to think some things over,when out of nowhere a certain residence prankster crashed into him,Scar also remembers how flustered Grian was,thinking back to it this was the first time he's truly seen the shorter boy this flustered.When Grian had finally calmed down from being so flustered,Scar telling him it was okay and he was more worried about Grian because of how far he fell.Grian of course was okay,only slightly bruised, and he had told Scar he was glad he crashed into Scar, because he wanted to speak to him about something. When Grian had confessed to Scar, the younger boy looked so unsure with himself and he could tell Grian was scared on what Scars response would be,now thinking back to it,it was also one of the first times he's seen the younger boy so small ,so scared and fragile,of course Scar crushed these thoughts, by accepting Grian's feelings, admitting that he has had a crush on the other for awhile now.

Scar smiles even wider remembering back on how happy Grian was,he could still remember the relief that crossed the shorters face,he remembers how happy Grian had become,he became more himself again,Scar also remembers how Grian excitedly kissed him on the cheek, before he took off to the sky ,rushing off to who knows where and all Scar could do was glance up lovingly,watching Grian's figure disappearing in the distance.

Shaking his head slightly,snapping himself from the lovely thoughts of his love,despite how long the two have been dating,the furthest they got was that kiss on his cheek the first time they got together,of course they cuddled and even hold hands,but still Scar wished for more, despite how selfish he thought it was,he wished to kiss the boy of his dreams, who wouldn't want to kiss the lovely prankster, he was adorable and precious….at least to Scar,once again shaking himself from thoughts, Scar could feel his face get a little hot,thinking about what it would be like to kiss the shorter boy,how it would feel.What finally snapped Scar out of his thoughts was a yell of his name,looking up to were the yell came from,Scar could see what seemed to be a figure, that's when he realized,once he took a more better look,and that is the figure that was falling to there potential death,was the boy of his thoughts grian,instantly chucking the blocks he had in his hands aside,he spread his arms open hoping to catch Grian.

Grian came crashing down straight into Scars arms,knocking both of them over from the force of the fall,Grian quickly pushes himself up from Scar,rambling out how sorry he was and other apologies, Scar couldn't help but just stare at Grian silently,he couldn't help but think how beautiful Grian looked still sitting in his lap,how beautiful his eyes shined and how red his face was from being so flustered,he also couldn't help but look at his lips and think once again how they'd feel upon his,with that thought in mind,Scar sat up,one of his arms encircling the shorters waist ,keeping him in place on Scars lap,his other arm trailed up to his face,putting a hand on Grian's cheek, shutting the flustered boy on his lap up,staring into Grian's eyes,leaning forward slightly,Grian also lent forward,copying Scars movements and finally Scar placed his lips upon Grian's ,it was a short but sweet kiss,Grian's face was completely red and Scar was absolutely sure his was too.

“W-What was that for?” the shorter fluster boy asked the other

“ I just love you,oh so much” Scar simply replied replied to Grian, Grian smiled gently,hugging Scar tightly ,burying his flustered face into Scars chest,

“I-I love you too “ he murmured into Scars chest

Scar just chuckled at the others behaviour,smiling to himself,knowing he's the only one who will ever see Grian like this,this flustered and shy,racking his fingers through Grian and humming gently to himself,the feeling slowly soothed Grian to sleep ,before he could fall asleep, Grian removed his head from Scars chest,looking up into Scars eyes,and he gently placed a kiss upon Scars cheek,making Scar a bit more flustered than he already was

“Thank you”

 Grian gently murmured quietly to Scar,not wanting to disturb the quiet and calming mood they were in

Scar hummed slightly  before responding

“For what?”

Grian just smiled at Scars confused expression,at how adorable he looked

“For saying yes..for agreeing to be my boyfriend”Grian replied

Scar smiled gently at Grian,bending down gently pressing a kiss to Grians forehead

“ I wouldn't have it any way Gri,i love you too much,you don't need to thank me love”

“No! I do ,spending time with you have been the happiest moments of my life,not that i haven't been happy here in hermitcraft, being here has been the happiest, i've ever been...after what happened to Evo,i was alone for some time and getting invited here made me extremely happy, and now being here with you,is definitely a plus “

Grian quickly exclaimed.

Scar once again smiled gently at Grian,Scar knows how much Evo and YHS effected Grian,and to have Grian to trust him enough to tell him of his past ,was honestly an honour,knowing how hard it was for Grian,and Scar may not be able to change the past,but all he can do is be there for Grian.

Both males cuddled up,against a tree in Scars village, Scar gently ran his fingers through Grian's wings,and Grian once again buried his head into Scars chest,both of them eventually fell asleep cuddled up against the tree trunk, laying amongst the stars.

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