Part 3

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Soojins POV
It was cold out and I just wanted to cuddle up in my bed. I tried pulling my sweater around me more to stay warm but it didn't help. The wind was blowing and along with it came the chilly air. I was shivering. My teeth were chattering. But finally, Cube came into view.

I started running trying to escape the cold air. I entered the building breathing heavily from running all the way over here. It was much warmer inside.

I walked towards the elevators, entering in and pressing the button to get to my floor. As I was in the elevator, I thought back on everything that had happened tonight. A smile formed on my face as I remembered Y/N. She was quiet. Cautious. She was beautiful too. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as her before. Her laugh that could easily make me smile. Her stubbornness. I really hope I can see her again.

I was brought back to reality as I heard the elevator ding, indicating I had reached my floor. I slowly made my way to the dorm. As I reached the dorm, I was about to open the door until I remembered Soyeon would most likely still be awake, waiting for me. She's gonna kill me. I slowly turned the knob, trying to open the door as quietly as possible. But as I stepped in, my foot hit the floorboard and made a squeaking noise.

I immediately heard shuffling and looked up to see Soyeon standing at the end of the hall. She looked mad. I braced myself for her endless scolding.

"Where have you been?!" Soyeon yelled at me. She rarely yells at me.

"I was just taking a walk." I said quietly looking down. "A walk shouldn't take 3 hours!" She was getting mad. Maybe it was best to just tell her the truth.

I looked back at her and just as she was about to yell again, I raised my hand. Immediately the whole story of where I was came tumbling out of my mouth. Soyeon didn't interrupt me once while i was talking.

" gave her your number?!"

"Yes! I just want to get to know her! Is that such a bad thing?!" I yelled back at her, not able to keep my temper down.

"She could leak your number! She could put you in danger!"

No, she's wrong. "No! You're wrong! I know she won't do that!"

"And how do you know?!"

"I just do!"

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs and looked behind me to see Miyeon, Minnie, Yuqi, and Shuhua all coming down to see what was going on. "If y'all are going to argue, at least do it quietly!" said Yuqi.

"You guys are arguing? Oh my god!" Shuhua ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Don't yell at my JinJin!"

Everyone was looking at me and Soyeon wondering what we were arguing about. "What are you guys even arguing about anyways?" asked Minnie, clearly annoyed at how she was woken up.

Everyone became quiet for a second until Soyeon groaned. "Look, I know we're all tired so let's just get some sleep and talk about this tomorrow." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as we were all very tired.

I headed upstairs and into my room to start getting ready for bed. I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth and hair. "Why is Soyeon so mad? She's acting like i'm not even allowed to have friends outside of the industry." I sighed, rubbing my hand through my hair. I was frustrated. And mad. But I needed to cool off.

I turned on the shower letting the water get warm. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, the warm water making me feel at peace. After I had finished showering and brushing my teeth and hair, I decided to just head straight to bed. But there was something, something i needed to do.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and scrolled through my contacts, trying to find where Y/N's number was. As soon as I found it, I sent her a text to make sure she got home safe.

Just as I was about to put my phone back on the nightstand, she replied. I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach. But I ignored them.

She had replied saying that she had indeed got home safely and she would be heading to bed. I decided it was time for bed too, I was exhausted anyways. But before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep, I wondered something.
Y/N, why are you making me feel this way?
End of part 3

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