Part 17

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Soojin's POV
It was getting late at night and i should be sleeping but for the past hour i had been waiting for Y/N to answer my texts and calls.

I sat up on my bed with my back leaning against the pillow that sat up on my headboard. My phone laid flat in front of me as Y/N's contact lingered on my bright phone screen.

"She should be home by why isn't she answering me?" I mumbled to myself.

I let out a deep breath and continued to wait for a few more minutes until i was startled by the ringing of my phone. And the name that read on the call was the name i had marked for Y/N.

I reached over to hit and grabbed it in my hand before placing it next to my ear.

"Y/N? Why haven't you been answering my calls or texts? I've been worried..."

"Sorry. I had to do something."

"What did you have to do?"

I heard her take a deep breath on the other side of the phone before answering my question.

"Do you remember the guy that claimed to be my boyfriend earlier this week?"

"Yeah, why? Did you see him?"

"He tried to corner me as i was walking back to my apartment. He started confessing his love to me and said how he's loved me for so long and how he sees no one else but me. It was creepy."

"Sounds like a stalker."

"Yeah. Anyways, he then asked me if I recognized him. I honestly thought he was just some crazy creep or something, but the thing is, I did recognize him."

"You did? How?"

"His name is Shiro Himada. He went to the same highschool as me. He was a transfer student from Japan. I remember he used to follow me everywhere and I would always report him. He even made a romantic gesture once in front of the whole school. Just for me. He had brought a whole buffet filled with foods from his hometown. He brought roses, chocolates, and even wore a tuxedo. He made a whole speech declaring his love for me during the lunch period. I did feel quite uncomfortable but it's not everyday someone does something like that for the person they're so deeply in love with."

"So what did you end up doing?"

"Simple. I turned him down. I rejected his confession and love. There was no way I was gonna date someone as creepy as him. But thinking about it now, my rejection to him probably spurred his feelings. So now he's willing to do anything to get me. Even if it involves possible violent procedures."

"Are you going to call the cops? I really think you should call the cops. He could know where you live!" I was already feeling a wave of worry rush over me as my mind went through all the possible outcomes of this.

Some of which ended in me losing Y/N to him. And some of which ended up with him in jail.

"As of right now, I don't see him as a big threat. But if he does continue to do more like this, I will call the cops on him. When I met him up earlier, I wasn't scared. I even punched him in the face and kicked him where it hurts. Oh and guess what happened next?"


"He said i was the crazy one. Crazy? I'm not crazy! He's the one who's crazy. He's a creepy, maybe psycho, stalker!"

"He must not really have any sense of mind."

"I second that."

We both went silent for a second until i heard Y/N groan from the other side of the phone.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired."

"I can hang up if you want so you can get some sleep..."

"No! Don't hang up. Just keep talking to me. I like hearing your voice. Just tell me about how the choreography for your next comeback is going."

"It's going good. There's a lot of hand movements. We have practice again tomorrow actually."

"Wait, you told me that! Ugh, i'm sorry. I should probably hang up then so you have enough time to sleep."

"I thought you didn't want to hang up though."

"I don't but...i care about you and you're gonna need a lot of sleep so you have enough energy for tomorrow. And it's getting late too."

"Are you sure?"


"Sorry...guess i'll hang up now." I put the call on speaker so i could still hear her as i let my finger hover over the end call button.

" too."

Neither of us seemed to want to hang up so we just sat there in silence as we waited for the other to end the call.

"I'm gonna click end call now." I said as i moved my finger closer to the button.


"Goodnight Y/N."

I continued to let my finger hover over the end call button as i still didn't want to hang up just yet even though i knew she was right about me needing to get a lot of sleep.

"Ok Soojin, i'm serious this time. We need to hang up even if we don't want to."

"Fineeee...goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Soojin. I love you." My heart fluttered as she said those last three words and an unintentional smile formed on my sleepy face.

"I love you too Y/N." I hung up and placed my phone on the nightstand next to my bed before laying back down in bed and pulling the covers all the way over me.

I took a few minutes to just think before i went off to sleep.

I thought about today and how i actually asked Y/N on a date. I thought about the kiss we shared and how soft her lips felt against mine.

But i also thought about Shiro and how dangerous he seems to be. I was worried for Y/N. I was worried that he was gonna try and hurt her.

But i'm definitely not letting that happen.

I'll protect her until my last breath.
End of part 17

Do any of you guys watch Danganronpa? Because i was sort of thinking of writing something like that. Of course i'll change up a lot of things. But it will still be where you need to kill someone and not get caught to escape. If i do write this, the 16 students will be; all 9 members of twice, all 5 members of itzy, chungha, and you of course. What do you guys think?

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