Part 2

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(not sure what pov this is again)
It was getting late, but Soojin kept walking. You could feel your legs getting tired from walking but you kept on going.

"Are we almost there?" You whined, starting to feel tired. "Be patient. I promise you we're almost there." You sighed angirly. "You've said that a lot you know. But we ended up not being close at all." Soojin let out a small laugh at your statement.

"I know, I know. But this time I promise. We are!" She stopped walking as soon as she said that, pointing her arm at the destination. You turned your head to where she was pointing. It was a tall building. Like really tall. You were confused as to why you were standing in front of a really tall, strange building. Until you looked down and noticed a small shop-like place at the bottom of the building.

"I'm confused." You said, still looking at the building. Soojin grabbed your chin and turned your head to where she was talking about. "It's a VR place!" She said, excitement filling her voice. Cute. You had never tried VR before but you had a feeling this was the only opportunity you had. Soojin let go of your hand as she walked towards the VR place.

You followed behind her. As you walked in, bright and colorful lights blinded your vision. "Oh stop being so dramatic." She said while letting out a laugh. "I'm not! I seriously cannot see!" You started waving your hands everywhere trying to find Soojin.

"Y/N, it's not that bright anymore. Open your eyes." You slowly opened your eyes, realizing she was right. There were a ton of VR stations for you guys to try. But you remembered how late it probably was. You pulled out your phone to check the time, only to see the numbers "8:39". "Hm, it's not as late as i thought."

You looked around, trying to find a paper that said when the place would close. "Stop worrying so much and let's just go play some games!" Said Soojin, grabbing your hand in the process. You immediately felt yourself being yanked up some stairs. Trying your best not to trip, you made it up the stairs.

"So which one should we try?" You asked looking at your surroundings. " about that one?" Soojin said, pointing to one in a dark room. You felt your anxiety creeping up as you were scared of the dark. "Y-Yeah sure. Sounds good!" You let out a shaky breath, hoping Soojin wouldn't notice.

There was someone at the entrance to the door. "Hello! Welcome to VR Madness! I hope you're enjoying your time here! This station is horror VR. You are trapped in a ma-" He stopped talking as Soojin interrupted him. "Horror? How about we try something else?" You quickly nodded your head, feeling relief wash over you.

You both agreed to try a restaurant simulator. Soojin went first and you were laughing so hard the whole time. She kept yelling saying things like "Oh no! I gave them the wrong meal." Or "They didn't even pay me!" You were laughing so hard that your stomach hurt by the time it was your turn.

You slowly put the VR headset on your head and you saw the restaurant come into view. You played for a while, always asking Soojin for help since she seemed to be good at cooking.

Eventually the place had to close and it seemed as if your time with her was ending soon. "I had a really good time with you Soojin. Thank you for this." You smiled at her. A real smile. "Of course. I had a good time too. And I got to see your smile." You sighed, getting sad.

"So. Am i ever going to see you again?" She looked at you holding her phone out to you. "Well i was hoping to get your number, but it's up to you." You complied, taking her phone to add your number to her contacts.

"I hope we can do this again, Y/N"

"Me too, Soojin."

You both turned, walking your separate ways, smiles on your face.
End of part 2

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