Part 10

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The day was pretty boring without Soojin. I mainly just watched different shows I had found on netflix. But nothing would cure my boredom. Only she could. I knew i had a crush on Soojin but i also knew she was straight...i think. So there was no way I could ever be with her.

While watching some show on netflix, my phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a text from Soojin. She had texted me saying she was done with practice and she was wondering if i wanted to go visit her at her dorm. I obviously said yes and quickly hopped off the couch and ran up the stairs into my room so I could put on some real clothes.

Knowing that I would be seeing Soojin, I put on some nice clothes. I brushed my teeth and hair and checked myself one last time in the mirror before heading out.
—time skip—
I made it to their dorm and knocked a few times before the door opened revealing Shuhua standing there.

"Soojin! Your girlfriend is here!"

What?! Girlfriend? I felt my cheeks become warm and looked down at the floor so no one could see me blushing.

"She's not my girlfriend Shuhua!" I heard Soojin yell from inside the house.

"Not yet at least! I know you love her!" Shuhua why? She's fun and all but i really don't like what she's doing right now.

"Y/N! Hi, sorry about Shuhua. She's just being weird."

I looked up and was met with Soojins beautiful face. Her perfect figure, gorgeous eyes, smile that could capture anyone's gaze. And my personal favorite thing, her small beauty mark laying under her eye.

"Weird? I'm not being weird! I'm just stating the truth that's all! You guys are so in love with each other but also very oblivious!" I saw Soojin's cheeks turn a light shade of red when Shuhua said that and she quickly turned around and started chasing her.

I was just left standing at the entrance not sure what to do. But thankfully Miyeon came over to save me.

"Sorry about them. Come in!"

She moved aside and I took off my shoes before walking in. I walked to the living room and saw Minnie and Yuqi playing mario kart, while Shuhua was laying on the couch with Soojin tickling her.

"Soojin, you can stop now. Shuhua didn't do any harm." I heard Soyeon say from across the room.

Soojin stopped tickling Shuhua and walked over to me, grabbing my hand. Iekskdjejwjskek was exactly how i felt right now.

"Let's go upstairs to my room. It's quieter there anyways."

"Hey! Wait! Y/N, will you play a game of mario kart with me and Minnie before you leave?" I heard Yuqi say.

"Sure." They both gave me smiles filled with excitement before turning their attention back to the game. I was pulled upstairs by Soojin and into her room. She let go of my hand and laid in her bed, patting the spot next to her.

I hesitated for a bit but walked over to her bed, laying down right beside her. She reached over to grab something and pulled out a remote, turning on the TV that was across from us.

"You don't mind what we watch right?"

"No, I don't mind. You can choose."

She turned on a show that I immediately recognized as being one of my favorite shows. "Hey, this is my favorite show. How did you know?"

"Lucky guess."

Everything became quiet as we watched the show, Soojin laughing with every funny thing that happened. And may i just say, even her laugh was beautiful. Listening to it was like music. But i couldn't laugh. I had the most ugliest laugh in the world so i just stayed silent.

"Hey, is the show boring for you? I thought it was your favorite. Why aren't you laughing?"

"Oh...uhm...i'm actually kind of insecure...about my laugh."

She looked at me and lifted one of her brows. "Y/N, everything about you is perfect. I find it hard to believe that your laugh is ugly. Besides, i won't judge no matter what. I promise. I think insecurities are beautiful. You shouldn't be ashamed of your laugh."

Just hearing Soojin say those words made me immediately feel better. And whenever she laughed, I now laughed too. And she was telling the truth. She didn't make fun of my laugh nor did she judge me for it.

After watching a few episodes of the show, I started to get really tired. But i didn't want to fall asleep so i could continue watching the show with her. But she seemed to notice because she paused the show and looked at me.

"Are you getting tired?"

"Yeah, maybe i should head home."

Just as I was about to climb out of the bed, she grabbed my wrist and I turned around to meet her gaze. "Stay. It's late and it wouldn't be safe to walk all the way home at this time."

"Are you sure?"


I climbed back in bed and Soojin turned off the show and turned off the lamp that was on. I felt awkward and just stared at the ceiling. But I was distracted when I started to feel cold. I pulled the covers tighter over me but it didn't help.

"Are you cold? I...uh...i know how i can help. Scoot closer."

I hesitantly scooted over a bit closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in so I was right next to her. I laid my head against her chest and closed my eyes with a smile forming on my faces. I felt happy.

And so did Soojin.
End of part 10

This is a part that i've had ready for a while now, i just felt like i needed to update this

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