Part 4

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As I walked back home, I tried to fight the excitement building up inside of me. I just met a literal kpop idol! That's not something that happens daily! But those thoughts were quickly washed away as the wind became stronger and the air colder.

I decided to call an uber so i wouldn't freeze to death. As I entered the uber and got comfortable, I decided to do some research on Soojin. "Birthday...March 9th, 1998...Considered the cook of the group...she's the shyest member? Didn't expect that..." I put my phone away deciding I would get to know her better once I see her again.

The uber stopped, awakening me back to reality. "Thank you." I said to the driver. I quickly ran to the door jamming my keys in the keyhole. It was so cold and I just wanted to be warm. I opened the door and immediately slammed it, happy to be home.

But as I entered and looked at the broken glass on the floor, the tilted picture frame on the wall, and I remembered what happened.

My father had decided to visit me to see how I was settling into my new apartment. I was laying on the couch, scrolling through netflix trying to find something to watch. When I heard a knock on my door. Knowing it was my father I went to unlock the door. As i opened the door, i expected to see him smiling as i had not seen him in over a year but instead i was met with a face full of anger. My father stomped into my apartment throwing a bag to the ground which I expected was food he picked up on his way here. "Dad...?" I whispered, getting nervous as to why he was so mad. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through something. I slowly walked towards him trying to see what he was doing until he raised his hand, an indication that he didn't want to be near me right now. Well that hurt. "Look at this picture." He held up his phone to my face and all I saw were two girls kissing each other at what seemed to be a bar. I looked at him, confused. "Y/N! This is so obviously you in the picture kissing a girl!" He yelled at me, raising his voice with each word that came out of his mouth. "I don't even remember taking that picture!" I protested. But I wasn't lying. I don't remember that picture from anywhere. "Your friend sent this to me. They said you were drunk and that you asked them to take a picture of you kissing this...girl. Disgusting." "Even if it is me in the picture, why is it so disgusting to see a girl kissing a girl?!" I was getting scared of him but i tried my best to keep my tone stable so i wouldn't seem weak. "Because it's not right! Girls shouldn't be kissing girls!" I was offended by what he said. I never thought my dad to be like this. "So are you gonna get mad at me just cause i'm a fucking lesbian?!" I yelled back at him. But I could tell he was losing control of his temper. He slowly moved his hand and grabbed a glass bottle. He lifted it above his head and smashed it to the ground. He slowly looked at me, eyes filled with hatred and anger. "I don't want to see you again, i don't want to talk to you again, I don't even want you referring to me as dad. You lesbians would be better off dead." He stormed out of my apartment slamming the door behind him. I was shaking a lot from all that had just happened. I felt my knees buckle beneath me as I fell to the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked at the shards of glass around me and the room started to feel suffocating. I quickly got up and slipped on my shoes and coat, taking my phone and keys with me. I started walking. I don't know where exactly I was walking to but I was walking. I just let my feet guide me. Eventually I ended up at a small park and decided to sit on one of the benches to clear my head a bit. I was enjoying my quiet time, that was, until a girl sat down next to me.

I couldn't just leave these glass shards on the ground or else i would cut myself. So I got a plastic bag and carefully picked them up. One by one. I was exhausted. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier as I frantically tried to to clean up the glass shards.

As soon as I finished cleaning up, I headed upstairs to get ready for bed. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and hair. I was just about to get into my bed when I heard my phone buzz.

I turned around walking back to the bathroom where my phone was. I picked it up, turning it on to find a text from Soojin. I smiled at the text. She was asking if I got home safely. I replied to the text assuring her that I had indeed gotten home safe and that I was just about to head to bed.

Before i shut my phone off completely, she sent me one last thing. "Goodnight ❣️"
End of part 4

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