Part 21

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I don't exactly know what happened but i opened my eyes to the feeling of Soojins soft lips brushing against my cheek.

She was looking at me with that glint of love in her eyes and i sent her a tired smile.

"I'm guessing i fell asleep?" I asked as i streatched my arms out.

"Yeah. I didn't wake you though because you looked so peaceful and happy."

"I was happy. You were cuddling me. How could i have not been happy?"

"You missed like three episodes by the way. I wasn't sure whether i should've turned off the show or not."

"It's fine Soojin. Anyways, i'm getting hungry. Could you maybe...make me something?" I asked as i gave her puppy-like eyes.

"Sure. What do you want?" She said as she kissed my forehead softly.

"Surprise me. I'll just stay here and catch up on the episodes i missed while i was asleep."

"Ok baby. I'll be back with the food in a little bit." She got up off of the couch and walked over into the kitchen.

I turned on the first episode that i had missed and leaned back against the couch cushions so i was comfy enough.

A few minutes had passed and i was calm and at peace. Until i heard something pang against the window.

I looked over at it and waited a few seconds to see if i would hear anything else. But i didn't so i just went back to watching my show.

But again, it happened. And this time i got up and walked over to the window. I pushed the curtains aside and looked through.

My eyes wandered all around the scenery outside until my eyes landed on a boy who was staring straight at me.

It was Shiro.

My breath hitched and i quickly shut the curtains again before walking back over to the couch.

I unpaused my show but i couldn't seem to focus on it anymore. My mind kept wandering back to what i saw just outside of my apartment.

How did he know my address? Did he somehow find it online?

Then there was a knock on my door.

"I'll get it! You just stay put Y/N!" I heard Soojin yell from the kitchen.

But i didn't listen to her and instead rushed over to where she was.

I grabbed her wrist before she could reach the door and she turned around to look at me with confusion written all over her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she moved her hand to grip mine.

"Don't answer the door."

"Why not?"

"I think it's Shiro."

She blinked a few times and tilted her head before walking over to the window.

She peeked through the curtains but closed them immediately after.

"It is him. He's standing outside the door." She said as she walked back over to me.

"What should we do Soojin?"

"I'm not sure. How did he get your address?"

"I don't know. Maybe he got it online or something? Like on the internet?"

"I'm gonna go turn off the stove and then go back outside to talk to him." She said as she started walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait what? You're gonna talk to him?" I followed behind her into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Maybe i can convince him to leave." She said as she turned off the stove.


"Just stay in the living room. I'll be quick. I promise." Soojin placed one last kiss on my lips and let it linger there for a few seconds before walking back outside.

The door closed behind her and i just stayed put.

I couldn't hear anything for a few minutes but then i started to hear yelling.

And then i heard a loud bang.

Everything went quiet until Soojin finally came back inside.

I ran over to her and threw my arms around her neck as i burried my face in the crook of her neck.

"What happened out there?"

"He refused to go multiple times. So i used physical force to get him to leave. I may have punched him a few times and threw him into the wall but he left nonetheless."

"Are you sure he's gone?" I asked as i looked up at Soojin.

She placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it.

"I'm sure. Now, let me finish cooking and hopefully we'll have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan."

She smiled at me before leaning in and bringing me in for a passionate kiss.

Her lips moved perfectly against mine and i let out sighs of content.

I moved my hands to her hips and pushed myself against her harder. She bit my lower lip and tugged it with her teeth.

But then she pulled away and i let out a small whine as i wasn't done yet.


"We can finish later tonight, ok?"


She kissed me one last time before walking back into the kitchen to finish making our food.

I was gonna go back and watch my show but my eyes directed themselves back to the window.

I slowly crept over to it and peeked through the curtains.

Nothing looked out of the ordinary. Everything was the same and Shiro was nowhere to be seen.

I shrugged my shoulders before walking back over to the living room and i took a seat on the couch.

But the unnerving feeling that someone was watching me just wouldn't leave my system and i was left in an uncomfortable state.

I gnawed at my bottom lip and clenched my fists as i tried to calm myself down.

But thankfully, the sweet sound of Soojin singing filled my ears and i let out a sigh of relief as a feeling of goodness washed over me.

I smiled and let my eyes close on their own as i continued to listen to her beautiful singsong voice.

"Never stop singing Soojin..."
End of part 21

I finally updated woohoo! But i have some big assignments this week so i probably won't update for a while again lol, anyways thank you guys for 2.59k reads! it's insane to believe how far this book has gotten. And i really owe it all to you guys! Thank you for reading my book and voting for it and i'm glad to know that there are many people in the world that enjoy what i write :)

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