"Disastrous Deception (Part Three)"

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"One thing about them tables

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"One thing about them tables...they always turn...."


Angel stood there with shock written on his face

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Angel stood there with shock written on his face. Staring at her in disbelief, he waited for her to tell him it was a joke.

"I'm sorry, querida. I'm sure I heard wrong. Could you repeat that, please?"

Aliyah didn't have time for games and needed him to understand how serious she was. Taking a deep breath, she advanced toward Angel. Her arms circled his neck as she stood on her tiptoes attempting to entice him. Leaning close to the shell of his ear, Aliyah gave it a light lick. Following up with a nibble to his earlobe, her words mesmerized him.

"You heard correctly, love. I want you to help me tie that son of a bitch to a chair. Position him right in front of the couch. I want him to watch the man he hates bend me over the sofa and take what's his. Tristan feels threatened by you, and we both know why. Let's cut the bullshit and admit that deep down we've always wanted more but did nothing about it. He hates you because he knows that you can make me happy. That you'd treat me better than he ever could. We should, at the very least, tie him to the chair before he wakes up."

As Aliyah made that suggestion Tristan groaned. Wanting to continue the conversation, Angel knocked him over the head with the butt of his gun.

"That will buy us at least another 45 minutes. Enough time for you to come to your senses," he smirked.

"So, you don't want to?" she questioned.

He sat there trying to decide if he should do it. Deep down, Angel couldn't deny his secret attraction towards his best friend. During the nights when he found it hard to sleep he would fantasize over Aliyah. The chemistry between them was undeniable and the sexual tension was through the roof. Angel hadn't pursued Aliyah because of his fears. Fear that he wasn't good enough for her played a part in keeping his feelings hidden. His biggest worry was that being with him would be risky and dangerous. After all, he was part of one of the most feared MC's. He didn't want any of his enemies past or present coming after her.

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