"Surrounded By Women"

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There's no way that Rio's precious daughters aren't all daddy's girls (much to y/n's dismay)...

Yes! You love seeing how he is with them. I'm picturing at least three girls. He's outnumbered and deals with different personalities/age ranges.

 He's outnumbered and deals with different personalities/age ranges

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**Your oldest is almost a preteen and already boy-crazy

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**Your oldest is almost a preteen and already boy-crazy. In fact, all three of them have their own little crushes at the moment.

**Daddy, how old do I have to be before I can start dating? Your smile grows wide, as Rio's eyes damn near pop out. He hears you snicker and mugs you. Shrugging your shoulders you join in, "Yes, Daddy? How old does our sweet girl have to be," you question smirking. "You have your whole life to worry about boys, darlin'. Focus on those books." Your daughter huffs, "So basically never?" Rio chuckles, "I knew you were smart." She huffs and walks away. You kiss your teeth, "you can't stop her from growing up, Rio." He gripes back, "I'm not." Rolling your eyes, you finish, "Hold on too tight, and we'll be grandparents by the time she's sixteen." Rio gets the last word, "She'll be a single mother then. Baby daddy won't be here long enough to experience fatherhood. The OG got little baby though. Grandfathers make good father figures, do they not," he smirks.

**The middle child is your wild child. She's big on loyalty and loves protecting her family/friends. Sound familiar? Little Rio in the making. The last parent/teacher conference ended in disaster. Things started off great. She was getting good grades and was very respectful. However, she was having a bit of trouble keeping her hands to herself. "So you're saying my child runs around hitting people on purpose," you questioned her teacher. All set to apologize for her behavior. You were surprised when the teacher said, "Not exactly." The two of you looked at her, waiting for an explanation. "She tends to be very protective over her friends. Y/C/N has gotten into several fights. We have a zero-tolerance policy. No matter who instigates, both children are disciplined." Rio chuckled sarcastically, "Let me get this straight, teach. My daughter's getting reprimanded for defending people. Is that what you're telling me, darlin'?" Your husband proceeded to tell the teacher where she could shove her zero-tolerance policy. Trying not to laugh in her face, you practically had to drag Rio out of the classroom. Needless to say, baby girl had to switch schools.

**Then there is your sweet little baby girl. She's a hustler like Daddy. Knows how to sweet talk her way out of trouble. She's so damn adorable that she has everyone wrapped around her finger. Including her sisters and especially Daddy. The two of you had just gotten into it. All thanks to the little finesse queen herself. It started when she asked to watch YouTube on her iPad. "Momma, can I watched Paw Patrol on my pie-pad," she asked batting her lashes innocently. She knew the answer but dared to ask anyway. Momma wasn't falling for that cute little baby face today. "Absolutely not. Remember the conversation we had last night? I told you no iPad today." Your daughter tried getting you in your feels with a pout and lip quiver. "But, mommyyy." You replied, "Don't mommy me, little girl. You did this to yourself. I told you to turn that iPad off and go to bed last night. What did you do? Waited for me to leave and got right back on it. Then had the nerve to play like you were sleeping, when I came to take it from you." Knowing you were right, she did what any good finesse Queen would do. She waited for you to busy yourself with cooking. Twenty minutes later, the food was ready. You called the girls to the table. "Where's your baby sister? She's ignoring me 'cause she mad, huh?" Your eldest informed you she was with Rio in his office. Supposedly she went in there to color while he got work done. It was cap and you knew it. Heading to his home office to retrieve them both for dinner. You weren't shocked when you found little shady boots. There she was chilling in her daddy's lap watching cartoons on his iPad. "Now you know good and well she's not supposed to be on that. I don't care if it's yours, Christopher. No iPad includes anyone else's. Just for that, neither one of you get dessert. Matter of fact since y'all besties and all. Sleepover in baby girl's room. Daddy's going to be sleeping on your floor! Yay!" You cut your eyes at Rio, turning to head back to the kitchen. You grumbled over your shoulder, "Dinner is ready. Come and eat."

**Then there is you. Although you love being a momma to three beautiful girls. Your heart craves more children. "Rio let's have one more baby." He looks at you, trying to hold back a smile. "We got a house full already, mama. You sure you want another one?" You reply, "Yes! I want a little boy. You got your daddy's girls. I want a momma's boy." Chuckling, Rio teases, "You feeling left out, mama? Don't daddy always make time for you?" You tilt your head to the side, crossing your arms. "Boy, stop! I just want another baby. Nobody feeling left out. Come on let's try for a boy. Please, Daddy," you begged in a baby voice. "You got a mama's boy. What about Marcus, darlin'?" Your lips poke out, arms still crossed. "I don't get to keep Marcus though. I have to share him with his momma," you giggle. Moving closer to him, you wrap your arms around Rio. Standing on your toes, you leave kisses along the side of his neck. Kissing up to his ear, you whisper, "Pretty please, Daddy? Think of all the fun we could have trying to conceive." Rio looks around the house, "everybody's at a sleepover right?" You nod your head yes. "Bring your fine ass on," Rio groans, dragging you toward the bedroom.

 "Bring your fine ass on," Rio groans, dragging you toward the bedroom

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Sorry if this was a bit long. I kind of just ran with it. Hope you like it! I don't usually do HCs 😆. Please vote and comment.

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