"Hungry and Hormonal"

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Note: I'm just going to admit that I love Angel Reyes from Mayans

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Note: I'm just going to admit that I love Angel Reyes from Mayans. Like, I need him to be my baby daddy 😂😂!! This isn't the final part of Disastrous Deception, but it's coming y'all! I promise! Here is something short to hold you over. Just a heads up there is a bit of Spanish in the dialogue. Enjoy my lovelies!

For the past hour, it had been nothing but silence between the two of you

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For the past hour, it had been nothing but silence between the two of you. Angel had reached his breaking point and was tired of the silent treatment and your incessant pouting.

"Querida, you've been sitting here for the past hour with that scowl on your face. I said I was sorry."

Still not ready to let it go, you didn't respond. Sinking further into the couch with a kiss to the teeth, your eyes stayed glued to the television.

"I said I'd buy you some more mi dulce."

That one little sentence lit a fuse within you as the pregnancy hormones kicked into overdrive.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to eat my ice cream, Angel! It's the only thing that satisfies my cravings. The only freaking food that I can keep down because your baby refuses to let up on the morning sickness."

"Why is it my baby when the little one is making you sick, but our baby when you're fine," he questioned with a smirk on his face.

"You think this is a joke. I had my heart set on that cookies and cream. I haven't eaten all day. In case you didn't know I spent the better part of my day in bed fatigued and nauseated."

You had started your tirade with anger but by the time the last word fell out of your mouth the hormones flip-flopped and tears were threatening to spill.

"Mamí no, no, no don't cry. I'll go get you some more right now," Angel replied springing from the couch to grab his keys.

Before he could make it to the door you switched from crying to whining.

"No baby, I don't want you to go anywhere. I'm sorry these fucking hormones are causing me to act like a crazy person. I'm just exhausted, nauseous, and hungry all at the same time. I'm acting like a madwoman," you said in a weary voice.

Angel understood and didn't take Y/N's mood swings personally. With it being their second child he was aware that pregnancy could be both beautiful and difficult at the same time. He didn't eat his wife's ice cream to spite her. Coming home in the wee hours of the morning fresh off a club run, he was desperate for a late-night snack. He figured he could replace it before Y/N had noticed. Unfortunately, he was busy the following day and forgot all about it. Returning home from a long stressful day Angel found his wife sifting through the freezer mumbling curse words under her breath, and that's when he remembered. He copped to it and that's how you wound up in the battle of the ice cream.

"Come mamí. I'm going to draw you a nice relaxing bath. While you're in there I'll door dash your ice cream and some other snacks. After that, it's ice cream and then bed for you. We'll cuddle and watch a movie until you fall asleep."

"What about AJ? One of us has to go pick him up from my parents' house."

"Already taken care of. EZ already picked him up and he's going to stay the night with his tío and abeulo. Give us a break for the night. I had planned on having a night alone with you so I dropped his overnight bag at pop's before I came home. I've been missing you mi dulce."

Y/N wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and gave him a few pecks on the lips. She hugged him as tight as her little baby bump would allow. Inhaling his intoxicating scent made her tingle all over as a pool began to form in her panties.

"I'm sorry I was being bitchy papí. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" she asked, looking at her husband while biting her lip.

Angel grabbed a handful of her ass and bent down to her level to whisper in her ear.

"This is exactly how you got pregnant. Always so horny and ready to take daddy's dick. I bet you're already dripping for me. Tell you what, Instead of a bath let's make it a hot shower. I know you're tired baby girl. Let's just take care of you tonight mamí. I'm thinking you up against the shower wall with my head between your legs. How's that sound? You gonna be a good girl for daddy and let him eat that pretty little pussy?"

Before you could respond he lifted you up and headed for the shower. Angel feasted upon you in both the shower and bedroom. You're not even sure how many times you came that night, but you damn sure fell asleep with a smile on your face.

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please be sure to vote and leave a little feedback-I'm curious to know if you all are enjoying what I've created thus far

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Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please be sure to vote and leave a little feedback-I'm curious to know if you all are enjoying what I've created thus far.

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