"Keep Me Posted" - Daily Struggles Series

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Reader as "Y/N"

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Reader as "Y/N"

Manny Montana as "Rio"

Warnings: The reader has a chronic illness

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Warnings: The reader has a chronic illness. There are brief descriptions of what it's like dealing with an autoimmune disease. If you know of or can relate to the topic it may or may not make you a little sad. Being the emotional ass gangsta I am, a thug tear was shed in the making of this😆.

Personal Note: This drabble (not even sure what to call it) is very near and dear to me. Yes, it's self-indulgent AF, but I had a disappointing doctor's visit earlier this week😔 (which inspired me to put my feelings into my writing). I figured why not write something for not only myself but other beautiful readers who deal with the struggles of having a chronic illness? Even if you don't personally know what it's like, I hope you still read it and enjoy the fluffiness that Rio's dishing.

 I figured why not write something for not only myself but other beautiful readers who deal with the struggles of having a chronic illness? Even if you don't personally know what it's like, I hope you still read it and enjoy the fluffiness that Ri...

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Your bedroom was pitch black as light snores fell from your overtired body. Upset by the day's events, you had raced home to shower and fall into bed as soon as possible. Your boyfriend Rio had been pretty busy that day as well. He had still managed to take the time to shoot you a few texts. The usual: did you eat, mama? How was your day? Ending it with an, "I'll be late. Don't wait up. Get some rest. I love you, mama." You had taken the time to answer each question thoroughly, giving him a quick rundown of your stressful day. Rio (a man of very few words) had simply texted his apologies for your long day. He suggested you go home, take a nice hot bath and pamper yourself. You did exactly that and went to bed not long afterward.

You had been asleep for some hours, but the brightness of your phone screen awakened you. Blinking away the blurriness in your vision, you rolled yourself to the edge of the bed. Eyes focused on the screen as a sleepy grin danced across your face. Sitting up, your back pressed against the headboard. With the swipe of your finger, you accepted the incoming call.

"Hi, papa. It's so late, and the bed's cold without you. When are you coming home, my love?"

"I'ma be home in an hour or so, mama. Sorry to wake you, but I just wanted to know if you ate. I could bring you a late-night snack if you didn't."

"I had a little something. I'll take a snack so long as it's you."

"Come on, ma. Don't start something you can't finish. Bet once I get there, you'll be out like a light. You need rest anyway, darlin'. Sleep, I'll be home soon to take care of you."

Rio's assumption was correct. Not long after ending the conversation, you were fast asleep. Your body was fighting against you at every turn. Two hours later, you felt the bed shift. The intoxicating scent of your boyfriend's cologne penetrated the air. Rio sat on the side of your bed, staring at you with love in his eyes. Your eyes remained shut as you felt his hand reach out. His digits pushed a few strands of hair out of your beautiful face. He continued to gaze at you with longing. There was also a hint of worry that played upon his features. His mind drifted back to the sadness in your messages from earlier. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt you stir a bit. Your eyes fluttered open as you groggily smiled up at him.

"Hey, baby."

"How you doin', mama? Are you feeling any better?"

"About the same," you frowned.

"You still upset about your appointment earlier today?"

"Yes, I just hate feeling like this. It's one thing dealing with lupus, but the last three appointments have revealed the same issues. My anemia is only getting worse, and nobody can seem to pinpoint the exact reason for it. Pills never work, and the iron infusions are doing next to nothing. I'm just so tired all the time. It's starting to take a toll on me mentally. The depression is starting to creep in, and I feel like I'm drowning."

"Why did you wait all this time to tell me what was going on, mama? I'm going to have to start accompanying you on your visits again. I can't have you holding out on me. Thought you loved me, girl," he teased.

"Boy, stop! Love you for life, papa. You're dealing with the stress of business and trying to get to the bag. I didn't want to add to that stress. You get anxious anytime I'm having a rough time, and I need you focused out in these streets, babe. I can take care of myself, I promise."

"With all due respect, darlin'. I'll decide if I can handle it. I assure you I can. Let me take care of you. You ain't gotta deal with this all on your own. Anytime you need me, just say the word, mama."

Your eyes had started to water, and Rio cupped your chin.

"Now, what's all this? Why are you crying, baby?"

"Why you gotta be so damn sweet? You do such a wonderful job at keeping me grounded. Thanks for always reminding me how much you care. I love you, papa."

"Love you with everything in me, darlin'." He kissed your lips gently. "You'll be straight, mama. I'll help you weather any storm that comes your way." He wiped away any residual tears from your face. "You good, mama? Did you take your nighttime medications?" With a nod of your head, a yawn fell from your lips, "I'ma go hop in the shower. You lay that pretty little head down and get some more sleep," he said, kissing your lips.

"Will you come to bed and spoon me when you get out?"

"You know I got you, my baby. Now sleep," he instructed, laying a kiss on your forehead. Rio pulled the covers over you and adjusted the pillows.

After a quick hot shower, he finished up in the bathroom. He slid into bed, taking a moment to turn his phone on silent. Gently wrapping his arms around your body, he pulled you against him. Rio's lips made contact with the back of your head. You stirred a bit as your body molded into his. Seconds later, your cute little snores resumed. Rio let out a light chuckle at the sound of the snoring. "Love you with everything in me. Goodnight, mama," he whispered. He was caught off guard as your sleepy voice mumbled, "Love you endlessly. Night, papa," you replied, falling back to sleep instantly. Rio's handsome smirk played upon his features as he rubbed circles into your smooth, silky thigh until he joined you in a good night's rest.

 Rio's handsome smirk played upon his features as he rubbed circles into your smooth, silky thigh until he joined you in a good night's rest

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I hope that you enjoyed it, my lovelies! It for sure did its job lifting my spirits while writing it🥹♥️. I have something similar in the works for Chris Evans. "Keep Me Posted" will be turned into a series of drabbles called "Daily Struggles" which will be posted here as well (shoutout to my twinnie for coming up with the series title💓). Comments AND votes would be greatly appreciated.

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