"Loud and Wrong"

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LaRoyce Hawkins as Kevin Atwater

LaRoyce Hawkins as Kevin Atwater

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"The disrespect in this household is at an all-time high

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"The disrespect in this household is at an all-time high. Just going to sit there and eat in my face like that."

Your husband called you earlier as he was leaving the precinct. He informed you that Halstead, Ruzek, and Voight wanted to watch the game tonight. Kevin called to see if it'd be okay for them to watch it at the house. Once he had confirmation that it was cool with you, he mentioned they'd be stopping for food. He offered to pick you up something as well, but you declined. You weren't feeling well, so you didn't have a taste for anything. Kevin asked if you were sure. After confirming, the call ended with "I love you." Going against his better judgment, he found himself in the hot seat.

"What are you talking about, baby? How did I disrespect you?" Kevin's senses prickled, and he braced himself for a lecture.

"So, you didn't bring me any food? Give me some of your wings, babe," you plead.

Not thinking it through, he let his temper get the best of him. Kevin fussed, "Did you, or did you not say you weren't hungry? No, baby, you do this every time. You should've told me to get you some food. Why do you do that?"

Your eyebrows raised, "Am I not allowed to change my mind?"

"Don't answer that," Adam fake coughed, "loaded question."

Ignoring his best friend, you smirked as Voight's hand met the back of Ruzek's head, and he whispered an apology.

"I'm not even that hungry. I just want a couple of wings and some fries."

"Which means you want all my flats and the crispy fries. That's the best part of the meal. If you changed your mind, there was plenty of time to call me back and ask for something. Why not do that? Am I right, or am I missing something here," he directed the last question at the guys. They had been sitting in uncomfortable silence, trying to remain neutral. Neither Ruzek nor Halstead wanted any part of the exchange.

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