"Running Out of Time"

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The reader as "Bella"

Ben Simmons as himself:

Klay Thompson as himself:

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Klay Thompson as himself:

Klay Thompson as himself:

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Four hours. That's how long Bella had been trying to fall asleep. Her mind was racing and her body was aching to be touched. Light snores came from the left side of the bed. Turning to look at her boyfriend of 8 months she became annoyed. Of course, his lying cheating ass can sleep. Ben was the last person she wanted to fulfill her needs. Her attitude grew once she noticed the screen of his phone lit up. He had four missed calls from whichever side bitch he saved under "PizzaHut" in his contact list. He's such a dumbass!

Rolling her eyes and snatching back the covers Bella made her way downstairs to pour herself some water. She took a seat at the island as she scrolled through her Instagram feed. That's when she came across a picture of Klay that was posted about an hour ago. Before the storm that is Ben blew into her life, Klay was the one she had been talking to. Unfortunately, her boyfriend had a way with words and pursued her heavy. Klay didn't want anything serious at the moment so she decided to give Ben a chance. She tapped on Klay's username switching over to view the rest of his pictures. She double-tapped the last four pictures posted and thought about how things might have turned out had she curved her boyfriend. Would she and Klay be together right now? Who knows. 

Closing out of the app and locking her phone she sat there thinking about her relationship. Why am I still with this clown. We don't communicate. Our sex life is non-existent. He cheats. Apologizes. Then does it again. He's like a fucking bottle of shampoo. Rinse, lather, and repeat. Bella's thoughts were interrupted as she received a text. "What are you doing up at this time of night lil mama?" Klay must have noticed that she liked his pictures. She smiled to herself as she replied, "can't sleep. I'm restless smh. Why are you up?" It only took a few moments before Bella got a response. "Restless? I know what you need. Ole boy ain't been doing his job huh," he replied. He was privy to the problems surrounding her relationship. Even though she had a boyfriend the two remained friends and kept tabs on one another. At first, Bella kept the messages between them short and sweet out of respect for Ben. Once his true colors started to show loyalty and respect for him started to falter. Bella never crossed the line though. Anytime Klay would say something that could come off as flirtatious she would deflect or switch the subject. At least that was until tonight. She hadn't been touched in two months because Ben was too busy spending time with everyone but her. Bella needed some male attention. A little flirting wouldn't hurt.

As she was sitting there debating if she should send a bold reply or not Ben came downstairs fully dressed with keys in hand. "I was wondering where you went," he said as he pecked her cheek. "So worried that you had time to get fully dressed before coming to look for me," she replied in a sarcastic tone. She looked him up and down and rolled her eyes. "What's your problem. Are you being bitchy cause you can't sleep," he asked now irritated. "Where you going at two-thirty in the morning," she asked with raised eyebrows and a hint of attitude. Bella already knew that whatever was about to come out of his mouth was a lie. "I turned over to cuddle you. When you weren't there I was about to come find you but my phone started vibrating. It was the bro's they want me to slide to the strip club with them. Is that cool," he questioned. "Like you care what I think. You're already dressed," she shouted. Before he could say anything Bella cut him off. Tired of his sorry ass lies she snatched her phone from the kitchen counter. "Just go, Ben! Make sure you strap up with PizzaHut. Wouldn't want her to catch anything from your other hoes! The fact that you don't understand why I won't sleep with you anymore is laughable," she snapped brushing past him. Bella hadn't even made it to the top of the stairs when she heard him walk out the front door.

Within the last three months, she couldn't even cry over the situation anymore. She had been mentally and emotionally blocking out all her feelings. Almost as if her feelings checked out. It was now time for her to check out physically. This was the last straw and she was ready to leave. Sure she may have stayed longer than she needed but at least Bella was smart about it. Knowing this day would eventually come she had been secretly meeting with a realtor for about a month now. Still trying to find the right house Bella went ahead and rented a storage unit. Half of her belongings were already stored there and Ben's cheating ass didn't even notice. The only items that remained in the house were her things in the bathroom and the things she left in the closet.

Quickly fixing a glass of wine she attempted to pack the rest of her things but was interrupted with a facetime call. Thinking it was Ben calling to argue about going through his phone she accepted it without looking. Sitting on the bed she barked, "What Ben? Leave me alone and enjoy your fucking night with your whore! I don't feel like arguing with you right now and I damn sure don't want to hear any more of your sorry excuses." Bella wasn't even attempting to look at her phone. Her head snapped towards the phone when she heard his voice. "Bella! You good," Klay asked. He had wondered why she never texted him back earlier so he decided to hit her line. Bella tried to hold back, but it all came crashing down on her. For the first time in months, she was a sobbing mess. "What's the matter, mama? Bella, I need you to look at me and focus on trying to breathe. There you go. Now tell me what's wrong. You need me to come and get you," Klay asked with concern written all over his face. "I need to get away from here. Away from him. I'm so over this shit. Klay, I'm so sick of being lied to. Tired of being taken for granted. I need to get the rest of my things moved out. If I leave them here he'll destroy them," she sobbed.

After getting the address Klay was on his way. When he made it to Bella he wrapped her up in a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. "I brought some boxes and suitcases. You're leaving tonight. I made you a reservation at the four seasons or you can cancel and stay with me until you get your place. Please don't argue with me about the money, because you're not paying me back. You wouldn't be a burden if you stayed with me either. Now show me what you need packed," he demanded. Bella was worn out from all the crying and wine so she did what she was told.

An hour later Klay was loading the last box into his trunk. He made his way back inside and noticed Bella had fallen asleep on the couch. Damn, she's beautiful. If I get another chance I'm taking it. I'll treat her right. He gently tapped her shoulder and her eyes fluttered open. "Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep," she laughed nervously. Bella had sobered up a bit and started to get up from the couch when Klay stopped her. "Come here I got you," he whispered as he scooped her up. He put Bella down long enough to lock up the house. Klay gently sat her in his passenger seat and put her seatbelt on. Closing her door and running around to the driver's side he hopped in. "You want to stay with me or at the four seasons," he asked while licking his lips. Bella took notice and gave a shy smile. "I think it would be best if I stayed at the hotel," she smirked. "That's fine, but it's too late for me to drive you there and go back to my place. Mind if I stay with you," he asked giving a flirtatious smile. "Well, in that case, you could call and tell them I'll check in tomorrow. I'll stay at your place tonight but don't get any ideas. I need time to get my head right and my place in order before we go there Klay," she replied. Klay nodded his head in agreement but leaned over towards Bella. "I'll give you all the time you need my baby. That is if you acknowledge the fact that eventually, you're going to be mine. Maybe one day in the future you'll be my wifey who knows. I let you get away once. Not letting that happen again mama," he whispered in her ear. Heat rushed to all the sensitive places on Bella's body, but she managed to fight the urge. "Damn I can't wait for your ex to come home and realize what he lost," he said as he grabbed a hold of her chin and gave her a quick peck. Bella spent the rest of the night fighting her desire to leave the guest room and go ride Klay like there was no tomorrow.

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